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Types of soils of the Moscow Region

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The nature and characteristics of the soil depends on many things: how to be the foundation of the house and other buildings, if necessary at the site drainage works, whether full might break garden, and if so, how much work and money it will require improvement and maintenance in good condition, which can grow in it, and what can not, and by what methods, in fact, will have to garden economy.

Moscow geography

Soil formation - a long process, it takes more than one thousand years. In fact, what would be the soil cover, is influenced by many factors: climate, topography area, its geology age, the composition of the parent rock, plant and animal life, finally, economic activity person.

The territory of the Moscow region is huge (47 thousand. sq. km) and diverse - the landscape, topography, vegetation, and even the nature of the climate. Temperate continental, it becomes warmer and less humid in the direction from the northwest to the southeast. Relatively warm summer near Moscow, combined with a rather cold and snowy winter. Average annual temperature is - depending on the area - from 2.5 to +5,5 ° C. Precipitation is lacking in all seasons, which leads to the predominant character of the soil - acidic, podzolic (minerals from the upper layers of soil are washed out actively, especially under coniferous forests).

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The Moscow region is located in the center of the Russian Plain, at the junction of several major physiographic regions. North area occupies part of Upper Volga lowland south-west the Moskva-Oka plain. From the south, wedged edge of the Central Highlands, to the east and south-east comes Meshcherskaya lowland, and from the west to the northeast region crosses the Klin-Dmitrov ridge.

12-15 thousand years ago the whole northern part of Moscow region has been hidden under the powerful, by tens and hundreds of meters thick layer of ice. With the warming climate glacier slowly retreated to the north, leaving behind deposits of different composition - from clay to sand. They became the source rocks to the soil near Moscow. The texture of the soil will inherit the physical properties (water - and air permeability, the ability to retain water, the speed of movement of substances), the mineralogical - chemical composition and content of nutrients substances.

The most common source rocks in the Moscow region are covering nadmorennye silt loam (thickness from tens of centimeters to several meters) and less powerful sandy sediments lowlands.

Plants, too, are involved in soil formation: the roots of loose earth, give it a structure, it is removed from the mineral elements. Soil suburbs created in the main timber. And different. In the north and north-west are growing spruce forests. In the center and in the west, in the upper reaches of the Moscow River - mixed. In the south and south-east to the border with Meshcherov - broad. In the east and south-east, in the area of ​​Meshchersky lowland pine forest surrounded by marshes. And at the south suburbs stretches steppe.

The boundaries between these areas are rather relative. And people are actively mastering the home planet, I changed it beyond recognition. Vast tracts of forest near Moscow had been destroyed, but in many areas there was a change of survivors species composition: coniferous and deciduous forests were replaced by less valuable aspen and birch aspen.

What and where

The soils of the Moscow region are as diverse as its nature. Soil scientists isolated in the suburbs three major soil zones:

- South-taiga subzone of sod-podzolic soils;

- Central Russian province of gray forest soils;

- Central Russian forest-steppe province podzolized, leached and typical medium-fat and thick chernozems and gray forest soils.

Podzolic soils experienced eye immediately determine: the top of the column they are whitish. This land is infertile, acidic, very poor in humus and nutrients. It requires a significant improvement in the structure of organic and mineral fertilizers and lime.

Fortunately, in the suburbs of the soil of this type are rare, mainly in the north and east - and in Taldom Lotoshinsky areas in the north of Volokolamsk, Shakhovsky, Klin, Dmitrov and Sergiev Posad areas.

Sod-podzolic soils are less acidic than podzols, more rich in humus and other nutrients, and thus fertile, have a better lumpy powdery structure. Cultivation of sod-podzolic soils brings good results. This is the most typical of the suburbs of the soil. They are common in Podolsk, Domodedovo, Chekhov, Lenin, Stupino district, in the west of Kolomna, north of Serpukhov and Ozersk areas; the territory of the Upper Volga and the south-east of Meshchersky lowland along the Klin-Dmitrov Ridge (Mozhaisk, Ruza, Naro-Fominsk, Istra, Solnechnogorsk, Odintsovo, Krasnogorsk, Khimki, Pushkin, Chekhov, Shakhovskoy areas south of Volokolamsk, Klin, Dmitrov, and Sergiev Posad districts). No it only in the south of the area.

Gray forest soils represent a transitional type of sod-podzolic to chernozems. They are heavy, slightly acid, with a strong nutty structure. This sufficiently fertile soil, humus content is from 2 to 4%. Gray forest soils are common in the south and south-west of Moscow region. Happy owners of these fertile lands live in Kashira and Zaraysk District, in the south Ozersk Lukhovitsky and northern Serebryano-Prudsky District, as well as in central and eastern Priokskaya plains.

Black soil - the richest soil. No wonder it is called the king of soil. Of course, outside Moscow, black soil is different, say, from Voronezh. Our black earth belongs to the northern subtype, it is either leached or podzolized. The humus content therein comes to 8%, it has a nutty-grain structure and almost black. Under the humus horizon lie carbonate moraine loam, providing nearly neutral soil reaction. Black Earth Region of Moscow region - is south Serebryano-Prudsky District (the most southern tip of it).

Alluvial soils are common in river valleys and on flood terraces. They, too, are varied: sod, sod-gley, bog. Types alluvial soils differ in the degree of excess moisture, nutrient, structure and composition. The most fertile of them - meadow floodplain. They can be distinguished by the dark color. They are rich in humus, possess solid granular structure, high fertility. Like the mire, alluvial soils respond well to carry out drainage reclamation.

Boggy and marshy soils occupy various depressions. They come in peat-bog, meadow and marsh, sod-podzolic-gley, peaty-podzolic-gley, etc. Common for all swamp soils - hyperacidity and low fertility at a high richness batteries. Deprived of air, organically! mineralized substance, soil loses weight structure therein. Some fertilizers such grief does not help, you need drainage reclamation. After that marsh soils can become quite fertile.

Most wetland soils in the northern and eastern suburbs, but the inclusions found in other areas. In Mescherskaya lowland (Schelkovsky, Noginsky, Ramenskii, Balashihinsky Lyuberetskiy, Pavlovsky Posadskiy, Bockresensky Egoryevsky, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Shatura, some Lukhovitsy and Kolomna district) distributed light-textured soil wetlands, including bog and peat. Heavily waterlogged soils are found in the north of Upper Volga lowland.

Do not despair if you got a site not located in the most fertile land. Know the problem - it means it is already half solved. If the soil properly handle, you can succeed in almost any corner of the suburbs.

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