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Physicists on the verge of opening a fifth fundamental interaction

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As is known, according to modern concepts of physics, everything in the universe is a manifestation of the four types of interactions between elementary particles. But nothing lasts forever, and quite possibly, made a unique discovery and found the fifth interaction.

Abstract image of interactions
Abstract image of interactions


The history of this discovery dates back to 2015, when the Hungarian scientists in the course of the experiments found strange anomaly of radioactive decay, which may be a manifestation of the hitherto unknown fifth fundamental forces.

So they said that it is possible to discover the "light Higgs", which is heavier than the electron just 34 times.

But in the news for a long time it remained as if unnoticed as long as the research group of theoretical physicists America (University of California) has not released its research, which surprisingly consistent with the Hungarian group.

Electron Positron Spectrometer
Electron Positron Spectrometer
Note. I recall that in the modern world knows four kinds of basic effects: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak. But in the existing standard scheme is no longer possible to write, for example, the dark matter that makes up 80% of our universe. That is what prompted many scientists to search for new particles and transporters of energy.
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Just Hungarian team led by László Krasznahorkai engaged in the search for so-called "dark photon ", which, according to theoretical calculations, taking part in a weak and gravitational interactions.

Scientists performed proton bombardment of atoms of lithium-7 and observed the formation of extremely unstable Beryllium-8 nuclei that decay, catapulted into the surrounding space pairs positron-electron.

Thus, according to the theoretical model of a stable trend in the reduction in the number of departing was observed pairs with increasing angle between their trajectories.

But when the angle of 140 degrees began to observe an anomaly, as a result of which the number of pairs on the contrary increased, but with an even greater increase in the number of pairs dropped sharply.

Thus, the graph formed smooth decrease abnormal surge.

Abnormal spike in the graph
Abnormal spike in the graph

According to László Krasznahorkai, in the beryllium-8 surge gives extra energy in the form of a new, unknown particles to the village, which was later also splits into a pair of positron-electron.

Scientists even managed to find out the mass of the particle, which amounted to 17 MeV.

New research and confirmation of data

American scientists have conducted research experiments and Hungarian colleagues have put forward his suggestion that new particle not found, and the so-called protofobny X boson.

He carries a hitherto unknown force acting on extremely short distances, no more than the diameter of the nucleus of an atom.

In addition, in the near future American colleagues plan to conduct a series of experiments under general name DarkLight (dark light) in the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, which will occur gaseous electron bombardment hydrogen.

Is searched dark photons with a mass of 10 to 100 MeV and will be especially closely studied range 17 MeV.

But it is not only American scientists are searching for new forces, as "protofobny X boson" will seek to European Organization for Nuclear Research in the framework of a project to study the collapse of the "quark-antiquark."

We are on the threshold of great discoveries, as a result of which the existing laws of physics can be radically revised.

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