How to make the best splashing broth on stones in a steam bath or sauna
What dacha in Russia does without a bath? Well, or in extreme cases, a sauna - it doesn't matter whether it is electric or wood-fired. It seems to me that the bathhouse is the real secret of the longevity and tolerance of our people - there is where to let off steam.
But I will not delve into philosophy, but rather tell you how to make your next visit to the steam room even more enjoyable and relaxing.
Admit it, do you buy all sorts of fragrant bath products in pharmacies and construction stores? I also once sinned with this, until knowledgeable people told me that all this is actually chemistry, and natural substances for the bathhouse are even more fragrant. You just have to try.
Therefore, now, during the flowering of linden, I cut 4-5 linden brooms, it is possible even with a linden blossom, if there is an opportunity to climb higher and collect the youngest color.
For 40-50 minutes I put a linden broom in boiling water. After that I put the broom into action, but I don't pour out the broth, but pour it into glass bottles and then gradually water the stones with it for a whole year. The steam is aromatic, with a characteristic sweet linden aroma.
You can do the same with mint.
But here I will warn you - the main thing is not to overdo it with its amount, otherwise the mint steam will severely hurt your eyes. Instantly jump out of the bath without steam.