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Helpful advice from an experienced carpenter! How to quickly and easily get rid of dents on a wooden surface

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It happens that you take in your hands a new board or timber, from which you plan to make something useful, and from wherever you go, an ugly dent appears. But it becomes especially offensive when dents appear on ready-made wooden products. This phenomenon is not uncommon, because it is very easy to damage a wooden surface when moving, loading (unloading) or falling heavy objects on it.

What to do when dents have formed on the wooden surface? If you start sanding the damaged area, even if the dents are minor, you can remove a fairly decent layer of wood. Therefore, it is worth resorting to grinding last.

Of course, any dent can be covered with wood putty, but it will take a lot of time. In addition, if you later plan to varnish the wood, then this place will stand out noticeably against the general background. The putty is more suitable for covering up a crack, removing chips or hiding the head of a carnation or self-tapping screw. Therefore, we will also put this method aside for now.

acrylic putty for wood
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There is another more effective and easier way to get rid of dents on a wooden surface.. At one time, this useful advice was given to me by an experienced carpenter and today I will share it with you.

But before you remove the dents, you need to create them! So I'll take a hammer and hit the block of wood a few times.

On the one hand, there were dents with a depth of 1 - 2 mm, and on the other - deeper up to 5 mm.

dents in wood

So that later you can see where the dents were, I will outline their borders with a pencil.

1) dents 1 - 2 mm deep, 2) dents up to 5 mm deep

Done, there are dents, and now we will quickly remove them! To do this, you just need an iron and a damp cloth. We put a rag on the damaged area (you can additionally moisten the wood itself) and iron it well with an iron. If after the first time the dents have not completely disappeared, then we repeat all the steps again.

a quick and easy way to remove dents on a wooden surface

In the process of ironing, the wood swells and the fibers straighten, taking the initial position. As a result, even deep dents (up to 5 mm) will practically disappear, and after light sanding, there will be no trace at all!

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