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A light bulb, three civil engineers, a traffic cop and a surgeon!

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Once, in St. Petersburg, a construction forum was held, which brought together a large number of honored construction engineers. And among the huge number of engineers, there were three funny ones.

At the end of the forum, they naturally decided to celebrate this case. Gathered in a hotel room and let's celebrate. Here in the lamp an ordinary incandescent lamp with an E27 base burns out, in the common people it is a "pear". They call the administrator, he calls the electrician, and he, in turn, changes the light bulb for them, and leaves the burned out one on their table.

Well, construction engineers have already reached the required condition, they are sitting. Here one, looking at this light bulb, tells the others that if you put an incandescent bulb "pear" of a standard E27 base in your mouth, then you can't pull it back out! An expected dispute ensues.

One of the opponents says: "How so?! I declare with full responsibility that if you can put it in, you can pull it out! ", And puts a light bulb in my mouth... sticks out... but she doesn't stick out!

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All together pulled this light bulb, tried in different ways, it does not work. Okay, we decided to go to the trauma center. We took a taxi, arrived, the nurse was called.

"Here - they say - our comrade with a light bulb in his mouth. What to do?". The nurse thinks: "Here are the jokers!", Begins to send them, not believing. And only when she is shown the victim, she runs hysterically after the surgeon. He comes, looks and, without hesitation, hits the ribs of two palms at the place in which the lower jaw connects to the skull. At the grief of the civil engineer, the mouth opens even wider, the bulb protrudes, and he remains with his mouth open. The surgeon explains that this is normal, just the muscles were pretty tense, but now, on the contrary, they are very relaxed and will not contract yet, but after three hours you can already try to speak.

Okay, honored construction engineers thank the doctor and head back to the hotel by taxi. But one of the most distrustful people still doesn't trust. "I can't, he says, understand how it is and that's it!" Well, on: the instigator of the dispute tells him, try it yourself... He tries... the light bulb is not pulled out. They go back to the emergency room. They catch a nurse. She runs after the surgeon in shock. The surgeon laughs for a long time, but pulls out the light bulb. They catch a taxi again. They go to the hotel. The driver, seeing the drooling jaws of two in the back seat and drooling, asks the one who has not tried this experiment yet: "Why are you taking morons?" A person able to speak answers: "What morons they are, they are construction engineers, normal people, they came to the forum, noted, argued, they put a light bulb in their mouth but could not pull it out."

The driver does not believe, they convince him, he is not convinced, they give him a light bulb... He puts it in his mouth, but it does not come out! They turn around, go to the trauma center. The nurse is caught again. The nurse laughs hysterically. They calm her down and send for a surgeon. The surgeon comes, swears for a long time, carries out the extraction procedure and breaks the light bulb on the table! Says: "so as not to be repeated."

Okay, get into the car again. A grateful driver, with an open mouth, takes them back to the hotel. The car is stopped by a traffic cop))) Let's get to the bottom of what is the matter - three inadequate men with open mouths with dripping saliva and one pretty drunk in one car. The driver tries to explain to the traffic cop with gestures, but he fails. The only normal, but pretty drunk, explains to the traffic cop what's the matter. He silently goes to his booth. The lights go out there. The traffic cop returns, opens the back door and gestures to move over. He sits down, the base of an E27 incandescent light bulb sticks out of his mouth. They go to the trauma center. Meet the nurse. With difficulty they bring it to a self-transportable state. She, on disobedient legs, heads towards the surgeon's office. There is a woman's scream and crash from there. A surgeon comes out with an unnaturally open and non-closing mouth.

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