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Air cleaning in the apartment

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Many infections spread air - drip method. Well, if you are okay with immunity. The apartment house bacteria spread through the air, and if the ill one person, the entire family may also have been ill.

Air cleaning in the apartment Photo:
Air cleaning in the apartment Photo:

After many studies have shown that the air in the apartment a hundred times dirtier than street.

In the air, dust, microbes, pieces of epidermis, chemicals, soot, pollen, which lead to disease. High humidity leads to mold.
Dust in the apartment Photo:
Dust in the apartment Photo:

Therefore Decontaminating air purifier is so important in an apartment. Modern device cleans the air and conducts bacteriological treatment. Polluted air from the apartment goes to the device is cleaned and returned to the room.

In addition to air disinfection, instrumentation moisturize, conduct air ionization and aromatization. Air cleaning is a device that combines the purification and humidification. Wash sucks air and passes it through a filter.

The sink should be cleaned every 4 days.
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The concentration of dust in the apartment is markedly reduced, and it is even possible to see where in the room the sun's rays. If you have pets at home, this device is particularly useful, even indispensable. Power consumption of 11 watts. Compared to a conventional light bulb, it is at times less.

Washing does not heat the water, so it is impossible to burn yourself with negligence. The device leaves whitish coating on the furniture.

The problem in each apartment - the dry air. Dry mucous membranes. I often dry throat, so drink plenty of water. But it does not help. Dry and dry mucous microorganisms, bacteria, microbes can easily penetrate. Dry air provokes and exacerbates chronic diseases. Often dry air provokes dysbacteriosis. Therefore, the air cleaning as needed.

It is best to choose instrument without a filter. The filter harmful microorganisms multiply.
Air cleaning, photo taken from
Air cleaning, photo taken from

The cost of these sinks from 10 000 rubles. Air Washers also ionize air. There are some models of light sensor, which includes a night mode. After switching on the washing can be felt right away that it becomes easier to breathe.

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