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They built a big nice house, but all in vain! Nobody needs "houses for centuries"

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Today I want to talk about "eternal" construction. And touch on 2 topics here - the construction of houses that will stand for centuries, and the construction of a house that never ends. Both are completely meaningless things! They have long lost their relevance. And you need to think about this before starting construction.

I have a friend. About 20 years ago he began to build a house for himself. But not just a cozy house for your future family, but a four-story mansion. He imagined how his whole big family would live in this house, then the children would grow up, they would come into a house with their children, or maybe they will all remain to live together in one huge house of a friendly big family!

Small and unnecessary 4-storey house
Small and unnecessary 4-storey house

About 20 years have passed since the start of construction. A friend got married, he has three beautiful sons, little for now. Everyone lives in the house - on the two upper floors, which are almost completely finished, in contrast to the two lower ones.

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And it is possible that in a few years, indeed, they will all happily live together in this house! Although my experience shows something completely different ...

Man builds a big house for centuries. He spends all his free time and free money on this construction. And the construction site lasts for years, and sometimes for decades. In fact, by the end of construction, children grow up, leave and want to live separately, creating their own families and their homes. And people are left alone in this huge stone kingdom.

Only then comes the realization that the house could be made two times smaller. And spend time and money on family, emotions, impressions.

And there are such modern houses. Will our grandchildren like them?

There are many such examples in my life - especially among the older generation - among our parents and grandfathers. The house is being built for the whole family. The house is being built with high quality, so that it will last for centuries, so that later children and grandchildren will live there. As a result, the house remains empty. There is only a glimmer of hope that at least one of the children will move there to live. But this does not always work out.

Houses are becoming obsolete. And every young family wants to live in a new beautiful modern house. Look at the buildings of our grandfathers and grandmothers. Many of us are not ready to move to live in their home. And even if they do it, they practically rebuilt everything from scratch - both inside and outside.

Houses are becoming obsolete. Photo from Yandex. Pictures

Building materials change, needs and desires change, fashion changes. As a result, the huge house that you have been building all your life is no longer needed by anyone.

Friends of my parents built such a house many years ago. And it's good that they decided to sell it on time, buying a smaller house for themselves. All their children and grandchildren, coming for the weekend, are accommodated in this house. And none of them plans to return forever to live in the "family nest". Everyone wants something different.

My grandmother's house. Loved with all my heart. But none of the grandchildren wants to live there
My grandmother's house. Loved with all my heart. But none of the grandchildren wants to live there
The average life of a home is less than 100 years. So why is this eternal endless construction for centuries, if, in fact, it is not beneficial to anyone?

Today I decided to philosophize a little, or "congratulate". Maybe someone will think about it and reduce the volume of construction.

There is no point in big eternal homes. Better to spend this time with your family. After all, time is a resource that runs away very quickly!

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