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Effective and free mosquito repellent. And chemistry against ticks

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The summer season is ahead. These are trips to the forest and construction on the site. Many sites are located near woodlands and mosquitoes appear in the evening, which will definitely interfere with work or rest. Shop repellents help for 1-2 hours, the spirals are toxic and the cost of many, the most effective ones, is not small.

It turns out that there are effective ways: how to ward off mosquitoes. And more importantly, they are free.

First way. You need to find an anthill with forest ants in the forest. Wet a piece of cloth, a small towel, a handkerchief, squeeze out the water and place on the anthill. In general, you will need to collect formic acid on a cloth. It is her smell that mosquitoes are afraid of like fire. We hold the towel for 5-10 minutes on one side, then on the other. We remove and shake off the ants. The product is ready: we wipe the exposed areas of the body with a cloth.

The smell of formic acid is very persistent and lasts for a long time. The fabric itself can be placed in a container (so that the water does not evaporate) and repeated rubdowns if necessary. You can make several of these handkerchiefs or towels soaked in formic acid in one trip to the forest - enough for many days or even weeks of work.

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Some collect the ants in a bottle (with sugar bait) and then boil them to get formic acid. But this is a barbaric way. To use it or not is up to you.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, check on a limited area of ​​the skin for a reaction, redness.

Second way. To do this, you need to find a tree in the forest (usually a birch) on which a tinder fungus grows (not to be confused with chaga):

We cut the mushroom into slices and take it with us. On the site, in the place where you work or rest, string these plates on something (or hang them on a wire) and set them on fire. The mushroom will not burn, but it will smolder - you will get an analogue of store spirals, with one amendment: this mushroom "smoke duct" is more environmentally friendly and free. And the efficiency is the same. Mosquitoes do not like the smell of this smoke either.

You can see in detail about these two methods in the video.

Another effective recipe for mosquito and midge repellent is to make a repellent from a mixture of any shampoo, sunflower oil, and acetic acid.

The proportions are as follows: 1: 1 mix shampoo (the cheapest one can) and sunflower oil. And for a volume of 1 tablespoon of each - add 1 teaspoon of 9% table vinegar.

The tool also works effectively, because mosquitoes don't like the pungent smells of vinegar. But you may not smell the vinegar, but it is enough for mosquitoes. I used this tool, it works, it even protects from midges. But not for long: 1-2 hours. Doesn't irritate the skin.

There are also many recipes with the addition of various essential oils, in particular: lavender, cloves - mosquitoes do not like them either.

A chemical in tick repellents. With the onset of warmth, ticks also wake up. They live in the grass and are very dangerous because are carriers of dangerous diseases. Any means that scare them away are not effective. Perhaps the formic acid method will help. But in order to be 100% sure that the ticks will not get to the body, you need to follow two simple rules: wear special clothes that tightly cover the whole body and use repellents containing alphacypermethrin:

Alphacypermethrin in repellent
Alphacypermethrin in repellent

Alphacypermethrin is a last generation pesticide (insecticide) that affects the nervous system of insects and leads to their paralysis. Buy repellents that contain this substance. Only clothes need to be processed. The drug has a long-term residual effect even after several days. It is enough for a tick to visit clothes for 30-60 seconds to receive a lethal dose of pesticide.

They treat fields with agricultural crops from pests and areas from ticks. Resistant to rain washout. It is also effective against other insects: cockroaches, fleas, ants, mosquito larvae. If you are afraid of ticks in your area, you can call specialists for processing or dilute and spray yourself in the right proportions.

If you want to see the effectiveness of alphacypermethrin, watch this video:

Honestly, I myself did not know how this drug works and that it is so effective.


Photos are taken from open sources, from Yandex. Pictures

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