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Why Mental Workers Are Loafers. For 5 minutes of work they ask for big money

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Huge money for nothing
Huge money for nothing

This story began when I was working as a TV master, some clients sincerely did not understand why I was asking for money if I quickly managed to repair the TV. At that time he worked as a "ruler", that is, he went on requests. When, after such a statement, he offered to repair it, they indignantly refused. You fumble about it! And as if my "rummage" came from nowhere, and not from studying textbooks and reference books.

Real work

Then there was a moment when I started as an auxiliary at a construction site, delved into this difficult profession, and then began to master different specializations.

Until now, if necessary, I take and dig
Until now, if necessary, I take and dig

And you know what you liked the most they stopped blaming me for "free" earnings. Apparently, I am digging a hole, and this is obvious work, no fools.

Work of a slacker

Then there was a boom in making money on the Internet, I decided not to miss this opportunity, after work, I learned to make websites, shoot videos, draw in editors. It took a lot of time even for superficial development, and when it began to work out, in general,

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heard that i'm a bum. So that! And the man is the one who said comes to consult me, and sincerely does not understand what is the benefit of my work, because he is a machine operator, which is another matter.

Examples of working on the Internet, sharing my experience

I personally appreciate any work, including mental, not everyone can force themselves to do it, and a person sometimes gets tired no less than a digger.

Have you had situations when you thought that the work was not worth the requested money?

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