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What to sow in February (yes, it's time!) For seedlings: we will not be late and not in a hurry βœ… List of flowers and vegetables

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Flaming fireworks, summer residents!

What should be guided by when choosing a crop planting date for a vegetable garden and a garden? Of course, in the first place - for its growing season. Time elapsed from germination to first harvest or first flowering πŸ’

To make your life easier, I have compiled in this post a list of the most popular crops for which the optimal sowing period for seedlings is February. Save the publication so as not to lose it!

βœ… I'll start with the beautiful - decorative flowers

Delicate and neat, one of my favorite colors... Learned? Photos for the article are taken from the Internet
  • Did you not have time to sow the queen of ampel compositions - lobelia? It's time to start grabbing a bag of seeds. There is still time: just try to be in time before February 20.
  • Of course, February is the best time to plant petunias.
From the author - applies to all "February" seedlings: Great if you can arrange the backlight. If you are growing your seedlings in natural light, move the procedure to the end of the month.
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But do not delay the procedure: the deadline is the first half of March. Otherwise, flowering will come only by the second half of summer. Does that suit us?

Luxurious ampelous petunias from the "Tidel Wave" series. Their colorful cascades are mesmerizing! Remember that for such a gorgeous flowering, there must be a large amount of soil per plant. As they say, don't even try to shove it into the balcony box)
  • A number of other annuals. For example, bright flaming coleus (in common people - "nettles"), bacopa and others. You can't list them all at once.

βœ… And what to sow in February from vegetables?

  • Let's deal with tomatoes right away. After all, there are lively battles among summer residents about the timing of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings. I think the optimal numbers for the Middle Lane are the end of February or the beginning of March. In my practice, everything perfectly manages to ripen when sown in the first decade of the month. An earlier planting is justified only for the lucky ones - residents of regions with a warm climate and "early" summer: Rostov Region, Krasnodar Territory, Caucasus, etc. And in a later sowing, alas, I do not see any sense - the harvest will begin to ripen only by the end of summer.
Soon on our windowsills... Did you miss seedlings as much as I do?
  • By the way, a note to the inhabitants of the South - official recommendations advise to start sowing late varieties of cabbage for seedlings. But I live almost in the North, so from my own experience I cannot vouch for such information... How are you doing?
  • This is where you need to hurry - my beloved Nightshades. I have already "uncovered" the seeds of Bulgarian and hot peppers, and at the same time eggplants (I don’t want to plant them every year, and I plant them anyway). There are no exact dates, the whole February is perfect for sowing plants for growing in a greenhouse. If you plan to grow outdoors, sowing can be safely postponed until March!
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  • And also - various types of onions, celery and rhubarb. Well, what - suddenly someone is carried away?

Was this note helpful? Please rate her "Thumbs Up"! Thank you, my darlings! And I strongly recommend reading about the preparation of planting material here (you won't regret it!): How to prepare seeds for sowing so that they will sprout together. Without cuts

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