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"Cured nail fungus with home remedies"

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Greetings, our dear visitors!

We wrote today's article from the story of our regular reader in the VK group. Her experience seemed very interesting for everyone. Tatiana last year caught a nail fungus and, fearing serious contraindications from the prescribed drugs, decided to deal with the treatment of nails and feet with homemade folk remedies. And the result became visible pretty quickly, about which we will tell on her behalf.

REMEMBER! The fungus cannot be killed. I learned this from the doctor. The fungus can only be put to sleep by creating an unfavorable environment, by cutting off the nail. BUT those who process shoes and continue to wear, thinking that they have cured, are deeply mistaken and become infected again. That is why some, I think, cannot recover for years. If you regret money for new shoes, you will spend years on treatment. I'm not even talking about how many nerves and inconveniences it causes.

It is better if, as you heal, you completely get rid of socks, tights, shoes, everything that touched your nail. And yes, floors in your home should always be washed with water and vinegar. We will write a separate article on our channel in the near future about other ways of processing shoes, washing floors and under what conditions nail fungus can die.

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“I don't know where and how I caught the fungus, but as I try to take care of myself, I noticed a strange change in the nail plate on the big toe of my right foot. I remember reading on the Internet that the nail fungus is very difficult and takes a long time to heal, many even suffer from it for years. Therefore, I decided to immediately contact a specialist. The fungus was confirmed.

There is no money for expensive funds. What to do? In our village there is one herbalist who always harvests herbs and then sells them to anyone who needs them. So I decided to contact her and find out if there are such folk remedies that you can independently remove nail fungus.

The herbalist recommended to me a decoction of oak bark and yarrow in equal proportions. She said to take foot baths every day. I also advised to apply gauze tampons dipped in a specially prepared celandine broth to the nail. But I'm afraid of celandine. This is a powerful remedy and even poisonous. So I decided to just smear it with iodine instead (I had previously read about this on the Internet).

I did this: every evening I took the baths in turn. One day from the broth that Aunt Valya said. Another day - just in hot water with the addition of vinegar (table). I alternated, because I was too lazy to cook the broth every day. And vinegar really helps with fungus, I read this in an article written by one physician.

After the bath, I always dried my feet with a paper towel and smeared the nail with iodine. That is, it turns out that the baths "stopped" the fungus, and the iodine did not allow the fungus to wake up from that state of hibernation from an unfavorable habitat during the day.

Gradually, every 2-3 days, I cut off the top layer of the nail as much as I could, cut off the growing edge with scissors. During the first week, it was already noticeable that the fungus did not expand the settlement zone, and this was good news. All the tools (scissors, file) I processed in vinegar solution.

Shoes were treated daily with vinegar solution using a generously moistened napkin and dried with an ultraviolet shoe dryer. I bought such a dryer 2 years ago and I am very happy so far. But all the same, after the signs of the disease disappeared, all shoes had to be completely changed in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease and re-infection from the remains of the fungi. The miser pays twice, you better do not regret getting rid of the old one. "


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