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How to raise a giant? All about the Big Money Tree and how to achieve gorgeous plant growth

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A houseplant in a home can not only emphasize style or design, but also improve the air condition in the room. There are many different types of indoor plants that people plant on their windowsills.

Someone chooses a flower for its scent, others look at its magical properties, and still others like the plant for its unusual appearance. A fat woman, with proper care, can live long enough, while being gigantic.

Features of proper flower care

As you know, the money tree is a thermophilic plant, therefore, for proper growth, it is necessary that the temperature does not rise or fall within the established norms. The optimum temperature for growth is considered to be from +16 to +20 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the flower needs proper nutrition and watering, if you follow the recommendations of gardeners, you can grow a real giant.

The money tree is easily amenable to diseases, and therefore you should carefully monitor the condition of the flower. By the leaves, you can determine whether the plant is sick or not.

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Considering that the bastard is a heat-loving plant, it should not be placed in the cold or in a draft, since the plant will get sick quickly, and the rehabilitation will be long.

If you cannot ensure the correct temperature regime in the place where the flower is kept, then it is better to refuse it.

How to provide an optimal environment for productive growth

Proper flower care includes the following:

· Timely watering;

· Quality of irrigation;

· Condition of the soil;

· Providing optimal temperatures;

· Correct crown formation.

The quality of irrigation gives a huge impact on the growth and development of the money tree. It should be understood that from an excess or lack of moisture in a flower, problems may arise and foliage may fall off.

It is also important to use the correct water, because if it is too cold, problems will arise with the root system.

A good indicator of the condition of a plant is its foliage. If the leaves begin to fall off or turn yellow, then it is important to take action, as otherwise the flower will die.

Also, a money tree needs fertile soil rich in nutrients and trace elements. Correct and timely complementary feeding will allow you to get the expected result.

As mentioned earlier, the flower prefers a warm microclimate, therefore, even a slight hypothermia will lead to the loss of the flower's appearance and health.

To grow a giant money tree, it is necessary not only to properly care for, but also to form the crown. It is better to cut off those processes that re-form the crown so that the flower has enough strength for full growth.

Adhering to simple rules, you can get a money tree of a large size and volumetric shape.

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