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All about Red Spathiphyllum: step-by-step instructions for plant care. Women's happiness can be like that

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Red spathiphyllum is a modern invention of flower breeders. This kind does not exist in nature.

Step-by-step care instructions

First, pick up a flower pot. It can be of any material. But keep in mind that the flower does not like very large pots.

Features of plant care are as follows:

· The plant loves loose, slightly acidic soil. For novice florists, I would recommend using a ready-made substrate;

· Red spathiphyllum does not like direct rays of the sun. At the same time, he needs to provide a bright light, but not strong. In winter, I use an additional light source - an artificial lamp. And in the summer, if your flowerpot is on the south side, add additional darkening of the window;

· It should be borne in mind that the flower does not tolerate drafts. Therefore, avoid places where direct currents of cold air are possible;

· Watering the plant should be moderate in the autumn-winter period of the year, and in the hot summer, watering should be intensified. At high temperatures, rubbing the leaves of the plant with a damp sponge will help;

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· The temperature at which the flower grows and develops well, 18-220C. Low temperatures can cause cessation of flowering and even disease;

· Special pruning is not required for this flower. Only during transplantation do I recommend cutting off the lateral processes. This will promote better flowering. But at the end of flowering, cut the peduncles to the base, then new buds will form faster;

· Red spathiphyllum needs to be fed. Nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the growth of leaves of the bush, and in order to get a bright, abundant flowering, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are useful. I also recommend organic poultry droppings.

Just keep in mind that it must be diluted before using. The best time to feed is spring.

It is enough to fertilize adult plants once a month, and young plants after 2-3 weeks. In winter, reduce the amount of dressings;

· To prevent the occurrence of diseases, observe plant hygiene. It consists in regular treatment with water at room temperature.

Red spathiphyllum is a decoration and addition to the interior in any home. In addition, you should know that it cleans the indoor air from harmful substances.

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