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That in no case should you plant near the Apple tree if you want to enjoy the fruits in summer

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In order to grow a garden and get a good harvest, it is necessary not only to put in a lot of work and time. It is very important to consider the compatibility of all fruit and berry crops.

Before drawing up a plan for placing plants on a site, it is necessary to study the biological characteristics of each crop.

There are plants that emit hazardous substances that have a depressing effect on other crops. There is also a danger of being hit by pests or diseases.

Unpleasant neighborhood

The apple tree grows well near pine, larch. You can plant calendula, dill and tomatoes near the tree.

You can place apple trees in a small group. This will encourage cross-pollination and fruit growth on trees.

Do not place young seedlings exactly where the old apple tree grew. I advise you to step back from it at least 2-3 meters.

But, in order to avoid the death of the plant, you should not plant near a tree:


· Apricot;

Mountain ash;


· Cherries;

· Barberry;


· lilac;


· Horse chestnut;

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· Poplar.

If such plants are placed close to each other, then there will be competition for access to sunlight and moisture.

If poplar grows near the apple tree, the fruit tree will suffer from ethereal vapors. Rowan and apple trees are affected by rowan moths. The mountain ash bush can become a carrier of this unpleasant pest. Cherry has a strong root system, and

It is also worth noting the danger of being close to walnuts. It oppresses almost all cultures that grow at close range. This crop should be planted at a considerable distance from other plants.

Particular attention should be paid to hazelnuts or hazelnuts. This shrub is very depleting of the soil. It can be planted even on rocky soils, but all crops growing nearby will be oppressed and stop bearing fruit.

When the cause of incompatibility is a common disease

If there are favorable conditions for the development of the disease, the pathogen and varieties susceptible to it, then an infectious disease can spread and affect several fruit or berry cultures.

To avoid mass destruction, it is worth destroying the pathogen at the very beginning of development. Apple trees can be attacked by viruses, bacteria and fungi.

It is also worth knowing that garden ants often spread the infection. If there are anthills in the garden, then they are destroyed too. Chemicals are used to fight. Also, sometimes I use the folk method. I sprinkle millet near the anthill.

Croup attracts birds (sparrows, titmouses). They not only peck food, but also destroy insects. Such measures should be taken in advance.

In some cases, diseased parts of plants, or the entire plant, are destroyed.

Common juniper is dangerous for apple trees. Powdery mildew and white leaf spot develop on it. These are various rust fungi.

In order to get rid of the disease, you need to remove the juniper or apple tree from the garden.

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