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You can drink, smoke, not diet and still live a long time.

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A healthy lifestyle in modern society is gaining popularity among all segments of the population. Many people give up bad habits: cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and fast food.

But are these harmful factors the main reason that affects a person's life expectancy?

Scientists from various universities conduct regular studies that prove that not everything is so simple.

Based on the surveys conducted, they found out that not only people can be centenarians, who adhered to a healthy lifestyle, but also those who drank alcohol, smoked and improperly fed.

But most of the respondents are optimists. They have always led and are leading an active lifestyle and are positive.

Disruptions in the daily routine and nutrition may not be so terrible as the stress caused by the constant desire to earn as much money as possible.

Many people think only of career growth and completely forget that sometimes it is necessary to relax. In this case, you can drink an alcoholic drink and even smoke a cigarette.

Eating a hot dog or hamburger won't do much harm. It is much more important in which company these not useful things were made.

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If these bad habits helped a person relax and have a good time, then they may not be so bad.

After all, toxic city air does much more harm, but everyone breathes it.

Scientists, of course, do not urge people to start drinking and smoking, but you cannot completely dwell on the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.

It is naturally not worth becoming an alcoholic. Although, these people look at life easier and do not worry about different stressful situations at work and at home.

Accordingly, their nervous system is in order and they live longer than people who are independent from alcohol. True, such an existence cannot be called a full life.

The most important thing is to find a middle ground for yourself: do not rush into the pool with your head. Relax from time to time with friends and bad habits.

Relieving stress and making it easier to look at problems hasn't hurt anyone yet. But most of your life is worth sticking to a healthy lifestyle.

Each person must make his own choice: whether he is right or not, time will tell.

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