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How I struggle with nasty melancholy and in the summer it hardly bothers me. I tell my plan ✅

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Fiery salute, comrades!

Do you want to get rid of annoying dreams in the garden forever? Sorry, first I have to disappoint you. Do not trust promising articles on the Internet - there is no magic wand that will drive out annoying weed for years to come. But I know from my own experience how to cultivate a vegetable garden in the spring and what to adjust later, so that it does not interfere with cultural plantings.

My Weed Relationship Story: Snipe feels great on acidic peat soils, multiplying exponentially. My dacha is located just in a swampy area. All abandoned vegetable gardens and orchards, runs between plots, ditches by the middle of summer are filled with it - the damned moaning.
Making its way to the beds, it interferes with planting. Therefore, each season begins with a fight against the "marsh grass" (local name).

An evil weed, not a good (epigraph for sympathizers of dreams)

Anyone who is sorry to cry, I invite you to your site!

When I first wrote about the fight against depression, I was surprised at inappropriate comments. Weed advocates had 2 main arguments:

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  • “You can eat sleepy, it will save you from hunger, which supposedly soon everyone is expecting»
  • "Sleeping is healthy and tasty, it is sacrilegious to fight it."

Fans of dreaming, I'm sure, have never encountered a problem in their garden. I don’t want to feed on "swamp grass" and I am not going to let it clog up strawberry rows and flower beds with young phloxes, just because I am moaning. "several centuries ago the old man ate ".

I don't reject the gastronomic potential of the weed, but I prefer to eat other foods. The cleanliness of my site is more important to me. And this article is for those who share this position.

The Great Eviction of Dreams Starts With Root Fighting

The roots of dreaming - clearly. Strong, creeping, long and branching. Fortunately, they grow mainly in the horizontal plane, so the work is carried out on the upper soil layer.

From the first warmth of spring to this day, sleepy marks the boundaries of its presence and hints what territory it is going to capture in the coming summer. To confuse her Napoleonic plans will help only the unloved by lazy summer residents, but effective from year to year mechanical method.

Simply put, you have to work with your hands: thoroughly dig up the ground for planting and try to select all the roots. Long, strong, with an enviable ability to regenerate: even from one stump, it will climb again. I gently loosen the corners of the garden with perennial plants (strawberries, flowers).

When we first began to develop the site, there was dithering everywhere. But the annual digging has led to success: today I plowed through the entire garden and did not find a single hint of this weed

In principle, this is already 70% of the success. Yes, it's hard, but, as I already wrote, no magician can wave a wand. Then, throughout the summer cottage, a young ditch can grow on well-dug soil, but the nature of the phenomenon will be single. Do the same with upstarts: rip everything out, pulling out as many roots as possible from the ground.

And now 2 important additions, which will reduce the appearance of new foci of dreaming to a minimum:

  • Create unbearable conditions for the weed. Remember that glaciation spreads quickly on acidic soils, slowing growth and reproduction on neutral ones. Therefore, if you, like me, have a "sour" area, do liming every spring. There is business for half an hour or an hour. I use dolomite flour or ash. The second, by the way, is also an excellent organic natural fertilizer.
On a note: Neutral in acid-base balance soil is also to the liking of most cultivated plants. Vegetables, flowers, berries, root crops.
Imagine what my liverwort would look like if there were thickets of dream
  • In extreme cases, it is useful to make a fence. For example, if the snow grows in a neighboring abandoned area and creeps into your garden. Dig in a metal sheet to a depth of 30 cm, and the problem of impudent inclinations of uninvited roots (not only dreaming, by the way) will be solved. Just don't use old slate, which is very harmful.

It is equally important to fight the above-ground part of dreaming. Then every year the weed will appear less and less. And if you let go of the situation, letting it go, there will be, alas, the same number of “roots” next season.

Sneak: we fight with tops

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It is clear that the runny growing on the site must be pulled out along with the roots. But this will not help to solve the whole problem, because the weed propagates by seeds no less willingly. And we cannot pull it out everywhere.

My experience: Mulching helps to solve the problem of weed growth. But such a trick did not work with desperation: the young grass easily moved the mulching bark and stretched towards the sun

Be sure to mow the snow in the far corners of the garden and around the fence. Firstly, you will not let the seeds set, which will really like on your site. Secondly, all plants are arranged in such a way that the roots cannot exist forever without the green part. Therefore, the more often you mow the snow behind the fence, the less it will be every year.

Are you familiar with moaning firsthand? Please put "Thumbs up" in response! Thank you. And for lovers of beautiful flower beds, I advise you to read the previous material straight from the flower bed: Feeding lilies in May is the secret to lush blooming. Even the husband is delighted with the flower bed

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