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For several years now I have not planted Mustard in the garden, I have found a more effective Siderat. Moreover, it is also more useful.

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Having chosen the principles of organic farming more than ten years ago, I have never regretted it. My crops bring a decent harvest, everything that the land "gives birth to" is environmentally friendly, without nitrates, and yet, you don't have to empty your wallet for store funds.

But it turned out that in some ways I was a complete beginner! The fact is that having perfectly understood the importance and principle of action of siderates, I stubbornly sowed mustard in the garden for several years. And then, after talking with a neighbor, I learned that it is much better to plant legumes!

Mustard belongs to a completely different family - Cabbage. Whereas it is the legume family that is distinguished by a unique ability - their root system enters into a unique relationship of symbiosis with nodule bacteria Rhizobia, which produce large amounts of nitrogen and some other substances that generally contribute to an increase soil fertility.

In addition, leguminous siderates:

1. Protect the earth from erosion.

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2. They lure in beneficial insects.

3. Suppresses the growth of a number of weeds.

4. They make the soil looser and more permeable.

The unpretentious legume siderates include:

· Crimson, white and red clover;


· Sweet clover;


· Field peas;

· Alfalfa;

· Winter and spring vetch;


· Sweet clover.

But the record holder for nitrogen-fixing ability is narrow-leaved lupine. By the way, a very beautiful plant - with tall purple inflorescences.

You can choose from green manure, who likes what - there are perennials and annuals, winter crops and those plants that can sow in early spring, the snow is barely melting, and then close up for digging and then in the summer season grow everything that need to.

Personally, I like the last option better. And naturally, for this purpose you need not a shovel, but a flat cutter.

When the work with it is completed, the remaining cut green mass of green manure can be used as mulch and, again, as effective fertilizer.

And also, guided by my own experience, I can say that tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes and pumpkin react most favorably to green manure beans.

But for beets, the best predecessors are not legumes, but still mustard - because if you stubbornly sow beans before this root crop, the risk of it being hit by a nematode increases.

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