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Tomatoes shed flowers, do not set fruits. How to avoid falling off

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Why do tomatoes, having formed many brushes, begin to shed flowers, the fruits are not tied? Let's consider the main reasons.

Overheating, hightemperatureingreenhouse

From high temperatures (more than 35 degrees), pollen burns out, it becomes sterile. To prevent this from happening, you need to shade the tomatoes with fabrics, a protective mesh, agrofibers, which are thrown on top of the greenhouse, on the sides. Due to this, the temperature will drop, the plants will feel more comfortable, the flowers will stop falling off.

If you come to the dacha 1-2 times a week, and there is no way to open and close the doors to the greenhouse every day, then you can hang curtains made of burlap or dense agrofibre to allow air to pass through. In this case, it is important to monitor the temperature so that it does not fall below +10 degrees Celsius.

In the morning I manage to run through the plantings of tomatoes and scratch each bush so that at this time the fruits can be set before a hot day.


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Under each plant, it is necessary to pour 10-12 liters 1-2 times a week on powerful tomato bushes. When planting seedlings, this rate is, of course, less. Enough 3-5 liters per bush. Water it abundantly and only with warm water. If cold water is used, plants can get sick with root rot, getting constantly stressed.

Therefore, it is advisable to put the barrel in the greenhouse itself so that it warms up there before watering.


When laying the brushes, it is advisable to fertilize the plants with potassium weekly. It can be ash (1 glass per 10 liters of water) or mineral fertilizers (potassium monophosphate is diluted with water in an amount of 20 grams per 10 liters of water, you can also use potassium sulfate, potassium humate). Pour 1 liter of solution for each plant.

Thesethe samefertilizersneed tofeedpeppersandcucumbersinmomentsmortgagesflowerseveryweek. Withoutpotassiumgoodharvestnotwork out.

Thus, plants shed flowers for three reasons: overheating, lack of potassium, and insufficient watering.

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