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Growing tomatoes according to the Kazarin method: “without watering”

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All gardeners are well aware that without sufficient watering, nothing will grow in the beds. But it turns out there are exceptions to the rule. Tomato is a vegetable crop that does not require abundant regular watering, especially if you adhere to the planting and planting rules recommended by Kazarin.
What is the advantage of growing tomatoes in this unusual way?
The fact is that tomatoes can develop a fairly extensive root system capable of extracting moisture from the soil. If you water the plants, then they do not need to develop the root system in order to obtain moisture and, accordingly, the nutrients in the soil. When the roots tend in breadth and depth in search of "food", the fruits of such plants grow larger and sweeter than with regular watering and undeveloped root system.
Tomatoes that are watered have a developed green mass, but small roots. And all gardeners know that the extra leaves on the plant take up nutrients and, as a result, they get less fruit, which negatively affects both their size and taste. In the case when it is rainy outside and watering is carried out in a natural way, tomatoes should be pinned to prevent the abundant appearance of leaves.

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Also, tomatoes that receive water when irrigated bear fruit later than if they extract the necessary moisture from the ground on their own.
This method works well for most soils. The only exception is muddy soils, because without additional watering they turn into dust. In this case, you can water the bushes, but not more often than once a month.
What is the essence of the Kazarin method?
In fact, everything is very, very simple, but the following rules must be observed if you want to achieve a positive result:
- in order for the seedlings to take root in the garden, it is necessary to keep an earthen lump around the roots. If you purchased seedlings on the market and there is no soil on the roots, you can make a muddler yourself from clay and dip the root system into it. Then the plants are planted in a permanent place. Of course, in idial it is best to grow tomatoes according to the Kazarin method in a greenhouse, because in this case you can avoid watering even when it is raining outside.

- the holes in which you are going to plant young plants must be prepared as follows: the depth should not exceed 1/3 of the seedling height. Tomatoes love nutritious soil, so add some wood ash and compost to the bottom of the hole. You can also use humus, but sprinkle dirt on top of it so that the roots do not touch the fertilizer. Having planted the seedlings, they are watered with a solution of copper sulfate (20 ml of vitriol per ten liters of water). It is enough to add 200-250 ml of solution under one bush.
- if young plants are already large enough and have a lot of leaves, then be sure to remove the lowest shoots.
- the only watering according to this "dry" method is carried out immediately after the tomatoes are planted in the ground and it must be abundant enough. No more plants are watered.
How to care for tomatoes?
A few days after planting in the ground, the plants will begin to wilt slightly. Don't be scared! Do not water the tomatoes under any circumstances, but wait some more time. The root system will begin to grow and extract the moisture and nutrients necessary for the bushes. Tomatoes will turn green and strong very soon.
The only care for tomatoes is hilling and weeding them regularly.
Try growing tomatoes this way and you will always have a rich tomato crop.

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