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When 🌸 petunia plant seedlings in 2019 to the summer has blossomed

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Blooming petunia - always a fascinating spectacle. Photo:
Blooming petunia - always a fascinating spectacle. Photo:

Hello! It is time to think about the cultivation of ornamental flowers, annuals. Today will tell in detail about the timing of planting seedlings petunias in 2019 that plants flowered and graced our gardens, flower beds, balconies and garden by early summer. Adjusted for the region, varietal, and even a kind of lunar calendar.

I have long believed that the petunia - the plant without the vagaries of the category of "stuck and grows." Until now, until she was faced with the growing seedlings. Seeds are small, under unfavorable conditions and improper care can be lost, and seedlings - just do not develop properly.

Why do I need to plant petunia seedlings

In that year, I finally got to successfully grow seedlings petunias. My photo
In that year, I finally got to successfully grow seedlings petunias. My photo

Petunia - plant with small seeds and long vegetation period. If you put it right in the flower bed, the bloom will come in the best case, after the middle of summer. Therefore, I advise you now to think about the growing seedlings.

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And the acquisition of seeds favorite varieties. Pleasant process, right? So you can decorate your balcony, a loggia, a bed in the house or cottage, creating interesting colorful landscape compositions.

Blooming petunias in a hanging planter. Photo:
Blooming petunias in a hanging planter. Photo:

You can buy ready seedlings petunias in May and June to plant the young plants in the flower bed or balcony. It is sold in agricultural shops, markets and even in hypermarkets. But autographic seedling production (despite all efforts), there advantages:

πŸ”† No need to spend money on seedlings. At the beginning of the summer season and so there are many areas where it is possible to pour in cash flow.

πŸ”† important for me personally caveat - you can buy the seeds of all sorts liked. When buying already grown seedlings is not always possible to guess how it will look and bloom mature plant. And if I want "is maroon and ampelnye petunia", you can shoot all the legs to find the desired seedlings.

A little at a Glance

"Border" of petunias. Photo:
"Border" of petunias. Photo:

You can independently calculate the optimal time for planting petunias, based on botanical facts. If you do not want to do mathematical calculations, proceed to the next part of this paper - write it averaged figures in the Russian regions.

⚜ From the moment of planting the seeds of the first buds usually it takes 3 months. Do not forget that this figure affects more and rearing conditions, feeding, care subtlety.

⚜ About a month after the emergence need to make picks. Without it, the plant will be weak and will not be able to develop rapidly.

Remember the ⚜ an amendment to the grade. Cascading petunias develop longer, so they are put on 2 weeks earlier than standard. But the dwarf - 2 weeks later!

And now - the average figures by region

In early May, my part of the seedlings (dwarf varieties) have already begun to bloom. My photo
In early May, my part of the seedlings (dwarf varieties) have already begun to bloom. My photo

You can use the approximate dates for the different regions:

⚜ The regions with colder climates (Siberia, the Urals, the northern regions of the Far East): March. And the colder the climate, the closer the time of planting to be drawing closer to April. Otherwise, the seedlings will be too large for the time when it is already possible to plant in the open ground on the weather!

In ⚜ the Volga region you can plant the seedlings in late February.

At the time, our channel will tell about all the details of growing seedlings petunias and other plants. Sign up ahead of a lot of interesting
At the time, our channel will tell about all the details of growing seedlings petunias and other plants. Sign up ahead of a lot of interesting

⚜ Black Earth, Central Region, moderate Northwest: All of February and the first half of March. Early planting in January and early February, is only possible with additional lighting special fitolamp: petunia need a light day for about 14 hours, otherwise the seedlings grow weak, pulled, or refuses to evolve generally!

⚜ you - lucky and live in The southern regions of Russia? You can start planting seedlings in late January and early February.

And now the Moon recently
Adverse 2019: 5 and 19 February, 3-6, March 21
Favorable 2019: 1-3, 7-8, 11-12, 16-17, 22-28, February 1-2, 10-12, 15-16, 23-29 of March.
Put a "Thumbs up", if the article was interesting for you! thanks. Also I recommend that you read: Sowing seeds under the snow: save time in the cultivation of seedlings

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