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How to increase the humidity of indoor plants (leaves will not dry)

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If you care for flowers with love, care and attention, they will say beauty! A photo:
If you care for flowers with love, care and attention, they will say beauty! A photo:

During the heating season, humidity of the air in our homes is lowered to critical marks for houseplants: 15-30%. And now a brief botanical information. For example, for a comfortable growth and flowering need:

  • phalaenopsis Orchid - and not higher than 40%. In the tropical forest, on the legitimate homeland of the popular flower, the humidity exceeds 80%.
  • The preferences agree with orchid spatifillyum (In the people - "Women's happiness." If the humidity drops below 50-60%, in a house plant leaf edges begin to dry. It looks ugly! Such requirements are almost all visitors from the tropics!
Anthurium also prefer high humidity. A photo:
Anthurium also prefer high humidity. A photo:
  • violets feel is also good at 50-60%, but can without much loss in decoration survive 30-40%.

The article I will tell you 4 working method of increasing the humidity in the apartment (house), which you can use to improve the appearance of your favorite houseplants.

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Incidentally, low humidity air and is harmful to humans: overdried skin and mucous membranes.

1. We go with the times

In stores you can buy inexpensive humidifier. The mechanism works is simple: you pour water into the device and it sprays her tiny droplets. How much is enough - it depends on the amount and how much moisturizer spray (I have this parameter is adjustable):

On this windowsill I collected plants, the most demanding of moisture: Orchid and Spathiphyllum. I chose them for the kitchen, because this room is usually the highest temperature and humidity
On this windowsill I collected plants, the most demanding of moisture: Orchid and Spathiphyllum. I chose them for the kitchen, because this room is usually the highest temperature and humidity

I hesitated for a long time: to buy a humidifier or not. Now I can safely say that I now can not imagine winter care for indoor plants without this device. Very convenient: incorporated, adjusted and left.

✔ Really increases the humidity to the required performance. The flowers look and grow better.

➖ electricity consumed. Not much, but still.
➖ I slightly "hissing" at the maximum intensity.
➖ takes places as a large pot.

This is not advertising, but my personal experience. If this option is not for you - read on!

2. Create a mini-pond

It does not take much time! A photo:
It does not take much time! A photo:

You can replace the humidifier with a bowl of water. Put it on a window sill and the water will gradually evaporate locally increasing humidity. Add as evaporation.

I recommend to choose a wide bowl. The calculation is simple: the more evaporation area - the higher the humidity.

✔ The easiest method.

➖ Again, it takes place on the windowsill.
➖ curious cat can easily knock over a bowl.

The best option, in my opinion, the ratio of "price / quality."

3. What will the towel?

It looks like this, though not aesthetically pleasing! A photo:
It looks like this, though not aesthetically pleasing! A photo:

On the Internet, I met an option to hang the battery under the windowsill soaked towel. But, to be honest, I did not like that option. I describe the cons that I immediately drew in his head:

➖Batareya often located in a recess under the windowsill. I wonder how many% of vapor comes to indoor plants?
➖ Judging by how stoked I have a house, a towel change is necessary every 2 hours.

You may need this option will appeal. I have nothing against!

4. How rational tray of expanded clay?

Photo example (
Photo example (

Another recommendation - put a pot with a wet expanded clay. The idea is excellent. But! Is a risk that the lower roots (especially if they look out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot) zagniyut. So what happens when the roots are constantly in contact with water.

Personally I do not see any reason to use the design. We'll have to watch to see if the roots get wet. Also, again, the tray will take up much space.

5. Take for spray

Make sure that the plant is dried up in the heat. A photo:
Make sure that the plant is dried up in the heat. A photo:

But without regular spraying from a spray can not do. In winter, the heating season, it is necessary for all colors except for succulents and plants with hairy leaves (violet, geranium).

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Experienced growers sprayed houseplants every day. Water should be soft and warm. Periodically spray add fertilizer for foliar feeding. Tropical species (orchids, Spathiphyllum, Anthurium, and many others) it is recommended to spray 2 times a day.

An important drawback:
➖voda with the surface of the leaves evaporates quickly.

Therefore, I combine several ways to each other. During the day I work moisturizer. I turn it off at night and when leaving the house (for security reasons), - at the time of humidification "meets" a bowl of water. And, of course, required a daily spray 1 or 2 times a day. ⚜ also recommend reading: 5 different colors for a southern window

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