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Winter - time special care violet beauty

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Violets or Saintpaulia - one of my favorite flowering houseplants. Perhaps this is due to childhood memories. Home on all the window sills were different Fialochka: Large and small, the leaves, let the roots, and the "kids" under the jars, and, of course, a beauty with lush caps of all colors. Well, now, moms love senpoliy passed on to me.

Now winter - a brief rest for most houseplants. Violets need special care, which affects their health and strength for the future flowering.

How to care for violets winter

Rare variant: violets, flowering in winter. A photo:
Rare variant: violets, flowering in winter. A photo:

Saintpaulia, a native of the southern edges, very thermophilic. optimal temperature for her throughout the year (including winter) - 20-25 ° C.

The cold can cause the shedding of buds, but also increases the probability of occurrence of diseases and pests. Do not let the leaves of the plant touch the cold glass.

Violet does not like stale air, so regularly ventilate the room. At the same time, make sure that the pot was not in the draft, which is harmful to plants. I am ventilating during the winter removed the flowers from the window sill on a table in the back of the room.

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A successful lighting of violets on the windowsill. A photo:
A successful lighting of violets on the windowsill. A photo:

Saintpaulia need good diffused light. Preferably, east or west window. In winter you can put the pot on the south windowsill. However, the plant can not tolerate, "travel", it is better not unnecessarily rearrange them from place to place.

When natural light rare violets bloom in winter. However, if you organize them extra backlight using fluorescent or fitolamp and bring daylight hours to 12-13 hours, the plants will delight you with new buds.

If you grow Saintpaulia under natural light, from time to time, turn the pot around its axis. So rosette of leaves will be symmetrical and beautiful.

The outlet must be flat. A photo:
The outlet must be flat. A photo:

In winter, when daylight watering violets It should be reduced to 1 times per week. Make sure that the earth was not damp or too dry. Best - the golden mean.

Experienced fialkovody who have a collection of more than a dozen varieties, used wick watering methodIn which the plant is "taking" exactly as much water as it needs.

The method: Moisture is supplied into the pot of the wick (synthetic fabric strip) from a separate container. One end of the cord is placed in a plastic cup with water and other - in the pot ( "hanging" in the glass) through the drain opening. Bottom of the pot does not touch the water. This protects the plants watered as the drying of, and on the waterlogged.

Here is the wick watering. Photo:
Here is the wick watering. Photo:

high air humidity in the range of 50-70% - an important indicator of well-being Saintpaulia. In the winter, especially in the apartments, it is difficult to provide such conditions due to continuous operation of heating appliances. In this case, it is impossible to spray violet (on the velvety leaves remain spots and greatly increases the probability of decay).

In this case, to increase the humidity in several ways:

  • Use humidifier;
  • Place the plant near the container with water: it will increase the evaporation of moisture;
  • On the hot battery, place a damp cloth.

Details about all the available methods of increasing humidity is written HERE: How to increase the humidity of indoor plants (leaves will not dry)

Spring violets bloom again! A photo:
Spring violets bloom again! A photo: f = 138 & t = 7416

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in winter feeding I pause. With a short photoperiod (optional violets are not highlighted) they are useless, because the plants are resting. Renewable fertilizer in the spring.

Here in this little maintenance violets need in winter. If you do it right, they gain strength over the winter, and spring will be pleased with the appearance of buds! Love and violets article was helpful for you - put a "Thumbs up!" They read more: 4 good reasons to love and raise fuchsia

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