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The filter flask burst. How to avoid the flood

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Thick-walled, but burst
Thick-walled, but burst

They called me to change the filter, because the old one burst from pressure. I came to see the top of the flask, as if cut off with a knife, exactly along the thread, moreover, this is not the first time with filters of this design. Interestingly, the flask is thick-walled and looks reliable, but such an embarrassment.

First thing

In such an emergency teach all apartment tenants to use the emergency crane, exactly to use, and not to show where it is. Hostess told that she was in shock, first rushed to hold the flask, from which water gushed when the water reached her ankles, remembered that her husband had said about the emergency tap. The spouse is on a business trip, and the woman was confused.

Old filter view
Old filter view

He told how he taught his little ones to act, gave everyone to turn off the water when the faucets were on, simulating a flood, she has adopted.

Why is the water pressure reducer not installed?

We have a dilapidated water supply system in the village, and normal pressure is simply not given, so as not to clog the picturesque fountains. The situation began to improve, and in some sectors the pressure in the water supply increased, which means

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need to install gearboxes. And nobody had them when they were born, because there was no need, because of the weak pressure.

New replacement filter
New replacement filter

I changed the filter, and now I think I should have advised the gearbox too, I'll call tomorrow and warn you.


To avoid flooding everyone should be able to use an emergency crane, install a reducer, and in case of prolonged absence, turn off the water.

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