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The most useful food for Grapes

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The art of growing grapes originated in ancient Rome, but only today a person has so many opportunities to take care of these luxurious plants!

I learned to take care of grapes from my grandfather, and he also revealed to me the recipe for the most necessary top dressing, thanks to which many heavy, tasty bunches can be collected in autumn!

Photo from open source Yandex, no advertising purposes. As an example

The main elements that grapes need are:

· Phosphorus - participates in the development of inflorescences and the formation of fruit ovaries, also affects the rate of ripening of berries;

Boron - increases the sugar content of fruits, and before that - stimulates the formation of pollen;

· Zinc - necessary for a good harvest in terms of kilograms per square meter;

· Potassium - ensures the ripening of the vine, is needed for a safe wintering.

But if we talk about top dressing, on which, in fact, all grape well-being in the season is kept, then it is a solution of 10 liters of water with the addition of:

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20 g of boric acid;

· 5 g of zinc sulfate.

Photo from open source Yandex, no advertising purposes. As an example

The given amount of the solution is enough for 1 adult and well-developed plant or for 2 young ones, weakened by the severe winter and spring frosts.

Top dressing should be applied before flowering, immediately after the following activities have been performed:

· Breaking out of weak, excess inflorescences;

· Removal of unnecessary brushes, saving 1 piece per shoot;

· Pruning underdeveloped shoots.

The product should be poured not directly under the root, but stepping back 15-20 cm after it.

In addition, in order for the effectiveness, the benefits of this dressing to be revealed as much as possible, after it, approximately 3 weeks before harvesting, you need to "treat" the grapes with potassium. The safe choice is of course ash! Ideally - from sunflower.

To prepare a solution for 1 plant, you need:

· Pour 1 liter of ash with 5 liters of water;

· Wait 1 day;

· Dilute the infusion with clean water in proportions 1: 5.

1 plant takes 10 liters of the finished product.

I also want to emphasize that ash is an excellent remedy for the prevention of grape diseases, increases its resistance to pests.
Photo from open source Yandex, no advertising purposes. As an example

I do not want to say that these funds are, in principle, sufficient for the good existence of grapes. He also needs his feeding during the period of preparation for wintering, as well as in early spring.

But as personal experience has proved, such cheap, simple recipes are very helpful in harvesting a rich harvest of juiced bunches, even if initially the land is not very fertile!

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