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Cracks and spots on the leaves of orchids: what to do

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Remarking on his orchid signs of distress, do not rush to a conclusion about the presence of a dangerous disease or infection. To begin to understand, perhaps, the reasons for the formation of cracks and spots on the leaves of orchids are rooted in the wrong care of the flower.

Cracks along the sheet

Photo problems. Illustrations for the article are taken for clarity from the Internet
Photo problems. Illustrations for the article are taken for clarity from the Internet

If you notice that the sheet cracked on shared vein, we must assume several reasons, having ascertained that immediately begin CPR.

  • Mechanical damage. It may be a consequence of the fall of the plant, careless transportation. Cases deformation of the sheet during its purification from dust. In the future, we need to be treated more delicately to flower.
  • Too rare watering. Do not make long breaks in irrigation. Focus on the time of year, temperature conditions and humidity. In the summer, hot, sunny days, the plant dries quickly accelerates moisture evaporation from the surface of the leaves comes dehydration. A sharp flow of water leads to rupture the weakened tissue. Organize moderate watering, flower do not lead to a state of dehydration is characterized by loss of gloss and subsequent wrinkling of the leaves. Personally, I help home humidifier and spraying water at room temperature. So orchid can obtain necessary additional moisture on a hot period.
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In itself, the phenomenon does not accept any threat to the life of the flower. But it gives the signal that it is necessary to review the conditions of detention and care
In itself, the phenomenon does not accept any threat to the life of the flower. But it gives the signal that it is necessary to review the conditions of detention and care
  • Cooling after watering. I this reason encountered in winter when the air temperature is lowered to sills 16 C. ° C. If, after watering the orchid leave in such circumstances, a portion of the moisture it will absorb the aboveground part, supercool and go cracks at the ends of the leaves and on the shared vein. To avoid this, rearrange the plant at the time of irrigation and for the next 12 hours in a warmer place in the room.
  • nitrogen overabundance. Bring to the cracks in the leaves of plants for this reason it is difficult. It is necessary, at least not to notice a few symptoms prior overfeeding nitrogen. In the early stages of overdose in orchids change the color, thickness and size of leaves. They become dark shades lengthen and significantly condensed. New leaves will grow actively and significantly different from the old. If you do not limit the flow of nitrogen fertilizer will begin the second stage - the deformation of the sheet, the acquisition of a wavy shape. Further, the plant will be very meager and slow to bloom. Agree, very sad sight. And only if the grower lost sight of all these symptoms, the fourth stage will be a gap of leaf tissue. Save orchid can complete its transfer from the organic to the inorganic nitrogen fertilizer, washing the roots and transfer to a new substrate.


Spots on the leaves of orchids can testify to the wrong choice of location of the plant. Less commonly, it happens when the overflow. Soon on our channel released a great article about all the possible causes of suspicious spots on the leaves - sign upSo as not to miss it, and a lot of interesting other topics!

Heat or sunburn manifests itself in the form of black, brown, sometimes dry spots with yellow edging. In some cases, the spots may be wet, white, in a dark setting. All these signs indicate that the plant is immediately necessary to rearrange. To the hot air from heaters and scorching rays of the sun did not touch the flower. If the article was helpful - press the "Thumbs up!" Thanks. Read more: 🆘 How to revive the orchid flower to save

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