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πŸ’₯ 4 Interesting facts about ordinary decembrist

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Blooming Decembrists. We take a closer look? Photo:
Blooming Decembrists. We take a closer look? Photo:

Hello! And in your house has a Decembrist? I suggest to get acquainted with the flower in the new format "curious fact". Spending on reading an article about 2 minutes ⌚, you learn (hopefully!) Something new about this wonderful flower room. And if you already know the information in all 4 points - congratulations, you are a true dekabristoved) have anything to add? Write a comment to the end of the article!

⚜ 1. Dekabrist (Schlumberger, Zigokaktus) - not the easiest plant in terms of botany. And it is necessary to consider in caring

If the aerial roots become dry - then you need to water the plant. A photo:
If the aerial roots become dry - then you need to water the plant. A photo:

Decembrist - cactusBut instead of thorns it grow "aerial roots". As cousins, great stores moisture in its dense leaves, so long without watering.

Moreover, the Decembrist - and more epiphyteGrowing on tree trunks in the middle and lower layers of the forest. Based on these features, it is easy to guess: constantly moist soil alien plant. Nedolya it better than the pour.

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Photo Decembrist in their natural habitat. Photo:
Photo Decembrist in their natural habitat. Photo:

Place the natural growth of wild decembrist - tropical forests with high humidity. So in order to feel good flower and grew beautiful, you need to take care of moistening the air. The most optimal option - to use a humidifier. It is important not to forget about the regular spraying. And yet decembrist loves abundant, but indirect lighting - all, as in the rainforest!

⚜ 2. In Decembrist is "double"

Among gardeners, and even niche sites is often confusion. Photos of another flower - rhipsalidopsis - signed as "Decembrist". Although both plants consist of the familial relationship between the two there is a fundamental difference.

This is not the Decembrist) Photo:
This is not the Decembrist) Photo:

Here are some of the points:

  • Dekabrist blooms in the cold season (usually November-January) and rhipsalidopsis - to warm.
  • Leaves "double" more rounded, with smooth transitions without clear-cut notches.
  • But with a 100% guarantee to distinguish from the Decembrist ripsalidopisa only during flowering. Flowers first - "stacked", whereas the second - single-tier "daisy" curved to the outside of the petals

⚜ 3. Flower, which will be a family heirloom

Keep this article in your page in the social network, so as not to lose the information and share it with your friends! Photo:
Keep this article in your page in the social network, so as not to lose the information and share it with your friends! Photo:

Term Decembrists living in the house is 20 years old and more. And for many years the plant retains decorative properties and without the transplant. Therefore, in many homes are Decembrists, which admired 2-3 generations of the family.

To flower was beautiful, it is recommended every year to form the crown: pinch off the extra segments. More precisely, remove wriggle movements.

⚜ 4. Decembrist - plant, demanding to lighting

Decembrists brought varieties with different colors. Photo: Yandex
Decembrists brought varieties with different colors. Photo: Yandex

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Dekabrist blossom when the length of daylight is minimal. That is why it is necessary to bloom at the end of the year. Although I met the information that at an air temperature 10-15 Β° C buds appear, regardless of the duration of illumination (stress and all that). More I remembered that channel reader wrote in the comments: it decembrist blooms all year round!

Important! Flower gets used to a certain inclination of the sun's rays. Move and rotate the pot even can push or force the flowering plant to lose buds. The article was interesting? Press the "Thumbs up!" Thanks. And if you are ready for bold experiments, I recommend a look here: How to grow a beautiful ginger from the root

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