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In the Moscow region, the hogweed on the site can be destroyed without the consent of the owner, but at his expense

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The land will be processed at the expense of the municipality, but it is planned to force the owner to reimburse the costs through the courts. Sergei Sobyanin, made changes to the law.

Who owns the initiative

The initiative belongs to the regional Ministry of Agriculture and concerns those cases when the owner of the site in The Moscow region does not monitor the state of the territory, does not destroy Sosnovsky's hogweed and does not go to communication. This is a weed plant that can cause significant harm to human health. The contact of juice on the skin and mucous membranes when exposed to the sun leads to severe burns, which are often difficult to treat.

New law on hogweed

The mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, made changes to the law. It is about an amendment to Article 4.17 of the Law of the City of Moscow No. 45 "The Code of the City of Moscow on Administrative Offenses" on July 22 this year. The document says that the owners of land plots with green spaces are obliged to carry out measures to destroy the hogweed in the territory. Otherwise, the offender will receive a warning and a fine. For individuals - 2-5 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 150 to 700 thousand rubles. This year, fines were issued for 17 million rubles.

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And if the owner is not found?

Often people buy land and wait for a rise in prices in order to sell the property at a higher price. And during this time, a wall of weeds grows on the site. Especially the problem concerns the hogweed. Seeds that got into the soil even two years ago are capable of germinating. It happens that the owner of this "jungle", which also threaten the neighbors, cannot be found. In a gardening partnership, a conscientious summer resident notices that on the site on the other side of the fence there are two-meter thickets of Sosnovsky's hogweed, but he did not see the owner, he is unfamiliar. He goes to the chairman, but he has no actual data - the phone number or the address of the person. Therefore, Polina Trishina, chairman of the Podolsk Moscow Union of Gardeners, called this path meaningless. Moreover, such situations are typical both for the Moscow region and for the whole country. It would seem that the initiative of the regional Ministry of Agriculture and Food should help in solving this problem.

The project may not affect SNT

Trishina believes that the garden plots may not be included in the developed system for dealing with a dangerous weed plant. She outlined the reasons. The fact is that there are few abandoned non-fenced areas in the Moscow region, and if the territory is fenced, then it will be difficult for service workers to get there (after all, this is private property). And dachas usually have small areas. In fact, only neighbors can suffer from hogweed.

Polina Trishina, Chairman of the Podolsk Moscow Union of Gardeners:
"On an overgrown plot of land, no one should walk to get scratched. Therefore, the hogweed will only harm the neighbors. Other people on the territory of my site should not be harmed if they are there legally. "

Polina Trishina noted that the new bill is more likely to affect only former collective and state farms located in the northern part of the Moscow region. According to Andrey Razin, head of the regional Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the legal aspects of the initiative will be settled by the end of 2020.

Are you worried about the hogweed thickets next door? Write in the comments!

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