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Roses in a burrito - a simple and reliable method of propagation by cuttings

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You have presented the extraordinary beauty of a bouquet of roses of your dreams. Or the most beautiful roses, which you can imagine, growing up in the neighborhood, but not you. Using the method of burritos - propagation by cuttings (twigs, stalks), you can correct the situation - to get the coveted grade favorite colors quickly and at virtually no cost.

burritos method is suitable for home (on the window sill) and suburban gardens. One presented a bouquet can give up to ten new rosebushes. Not only hassle - a lot of fun.

The essence of a burrito - wrapping technology

Expected Result
Expected Result

Imagine shawarma / kebab. Lavash wrapped inside a filling. This is the burrito, only in the Mexican version (and the word is borrowed from Mexico) instead of pita used cake made of wheat flour. That's the whole essence of the method: propagation material - cuttings / stems - just wrapped, just not in the cake and in damp newspaper or a damp paper towelAnd then - in the film / plastic bag.

What is the advantage of the method? Dry-park environment conducive to the emergence of a callus that transforms over time the roots. After 3-4 weeks of planting material is ready for planting in the ground - a full rooting.

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Harvesting pink burrito

Use sharp secateurs for grafting
Use sharp secateurs for grafting

There are three ways to prepare the ground - a filling for burritos method:

1. Cutting the autumn cuttings from the stems that go inside the bush or those which are more than three years, or very young, who did not survive the frost. Do it after Rose faded and prepare for shelter - hibernation. The optimum period - dry days from the middle of October to November second decade, when the temperature drops steadily to -5 ° C.

2. Spring pruning the shoots immediately after removing the cover. April - the best time for thinning the bushes in the middle of the Russian band. No more green shoots, but the vegetative process has already started.

Photo example of grafting roses
Photo example of grafting roses

3. Pruning (obliquely, preferably a knife) stems from donated bouquet. Choose a thick, green, without spots sprigs.

On the future seedlings should be 3-4 interstices kidney. The thickness (diameter) of the stem - no less than 0.5 cm Height 20 cm planting material (less - acceptable, more - no).

Council: All leaves must be removed with scissors or shears.

Preparation "shavermy"

It does not look very attractive. But beautiful!
It does not look very attractive. But beautiful!

Clipped branches piled bunch-beam - 4-7 pieces together. stack on newspaper sheets, paper towel (Three layer), and are wrapped. The paper "cake" moisturize the supernatant with water at room temperature (not so that it limp, but moisture must felt). Top - layer film or food package.

Shawarma put in dark (!) place for three weeks. The temperature in the room where mature flower stalks should be within + 14-18 ° C. This is a mandatory condition for the appearance of healthy roots. Less - growth will stand. More - roots, drying up, disappear.

What's next?

Planted cuttings "Garden Queen"
Planted cuttings "Garden Queen"

Three weeks have passed - the inspection of the future rose bushes: if callus has appeared, whether the rooting process has begun. Film, and then carefully unfold the paper. Withdraw those cuttings that have darkened. Lightly moisten the paper, again wrapped her film and send in the same room for another couple of weeks. If the roots are expressive enough and "nourished" the roses are ready for planting in the ground.

Council: before the cut stems to wrap the paper, they can stimulate growth accelerator. The easiest way - to buy fertilizer at the store. Dilute it in the right proportions and withstand the stems in the solution according to the recommendations on the packaging means.

To increase the success% recommend using a natural stimulant:

  • Finely chop year-old willow shoots;
  • pour boiling water;
  • cool;
  • Rose cuttings placed in infusion for 3-4 hours.
EXAMPLE successful reproduction method onto burrito. Illustrations for an article taken from the internet
EXAMPLE successful reproduction method onto burrito. Illustrations for an article taken from the internet

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landing is produced in an air-permeable (light) soils. For each of the cutting - its capacity. Outer kidney above the ground. The rest of the stem - in the ground. Capacity is served either the Bank or a film - creating a mini-greenhouse. The roses are not watered and sprayed directly in the greenhouse of the supernatant water for several hours. When the green leaves gradually removed coating.

Important! The room temperature with upset card should not fall below +23 ° C.If you liked the method, please click the "Thumbs up!" thanks. Read another interesting material: How do I take care of an orchid, that she blossomed luxuriantly

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