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Is it necessary to trim the bottom leaves of cabbage?

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I have often noticed that some of my neighbors are removing the lower leaves from cabbage. As a result, the heads of cabbage stand on a bare handle. This manipulation is usually carried out at the end of August. Why do they do this, I could not understand.

I personally never prune the bottom leaves of a cabbage, for many reasons. Firstly, an infection can get into the cut site and the head of cabbage will get sick.

Secondly, the lower leaves are actively involved in the nutrition of the entire head of cabbage, being a kind of conductor for nutrients. Thirdly, these leaves perfectly protect the head of cabbage from external damage and pollution.

Very often, if the outer green leaves are not damaged, I do not throw them away, and also use them for cooking. Why? Yes, the fact is that it is these leaves that contain the largest amount of vitamin C and throwing them out, we lose a useful product.

It is especially unwise to remove the lower leaves during the dry period, because they cover the soil under the head of cabbage, retaining moisture under them. For a water-loving plant, this is very important.

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Recently, my neighbor told me why he regularly removes the lower leaves. It turns out that it is in this place that butterflies lay their larvae and in order to protect the entire head of cabbage from pests, he takes such radical measures.

But I believe that pests can be dealt with by other, more effective methods that do not require the removal of a part of the plant.
For testing, I removed the leaves from several heads of cabbage and realized that it was better not to do this.

Since I grow cabbage a lot so as not to buy it in the store, I have to store the crop myself.

As a result, heads of cabbage without lower leaves began to deteriorate very quickly and had to be used for food.

Cabbage, whose leaves are not cut off, perfectly lasted until spring.
Therefore, decide for yourself whether it is worth removing the lower leaves or it is better to leave them, allowing them to perform the function assigned to them.

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