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"Squeak" of fashion: the most popular houseplants today

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Flowers make our life brighter!
Flowers make our life brighter!

All potted plants are beautiful in their own way and deserve a place on the window sill in our house. Everyone chooses to your liking! But some plants rapidly gaining in popularity, forcing growers to storm the stores, order an unusual variety in the Internet or to outbid his colleagues on the hobby.

Remember how fashion for phalaenopsis and Spathiphyllum in the last 10 years? Before they can be rarely found in homes and are currently increasing in almost every home. This article - a selection of plants, have scored great popularity in the last 1-2 years. Perhaps you look at something interesting for yourself!

1. Croton - for lovers of decorative foliage plants

I also did not pass croton side. Here is my favorite bright
I also did not pass croton side. Here is my favorite bright

codiaeum charm (Croton) - large leathery leaves with variegated color. Then there are dark green and bright yellow and purple color... In the popular varieties of croton leaf shape resembles oak that looks original and harmoniously into any interior. Not surprisingly, codiaeum became so fashionable in the last couple of years.

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Easy to care for Croton. To maintain the bright leaves of the plant in perfect condition, regularly spray and wipe them from the dust with a damp cloth. Every 2 weeks - a total warm shower!

2. Trailer violet

A riot of flowering violets ampelnyh (source: Yandeks.Kartinki)
A riot of flowering violets ampelnyh (source: Yandeks.Kartinki)

Violets (Saintpaulia uzambarskie) - one of the most popular plants for many decades. But today is more and more fans of her "hang-downing" variety - Trailer. Small fragrant flowers create cascades wraps pot. To enhance the decorative "trailers" are put in flat pots or hanging planters.

Care violets hang-downing is no different from the usual care, familiar to us. Therefore elegant houseplant will not give you a hassle. But there are features of cultivation, which I quickly enumerate:

"Classic" Class Rob`s Vanilla Trail
"Classic" Class Rob`s Vanilla Trail
  • Leaves are small and delicate, so if rooting is a high risk that they will be gone. If you have enough experience - buy kids already.
  • Trailers are put in a large pot, and not in the compact as usual.
  • For volume in one bowl put 2-3 head
  • Lush bush should be formed topping - many stepchildren are welcome!

You can buy a trailer violet among fans of indoor plants in your area, or ordered online.

3. desert rose

Exotic, is not it?
Exotic, is not it?

And now - an unusual plant "Adenium". Immediately attracted the attention of a thick trunk with a thickening at the base in the form of "bottle" with a few leaves. Zest Adenium - large and bright flowers.

Homeland Adenium - hot Arabian desert. Therefore, for normal development of indoor plants need a lot of sun, and watered the flower is very rare. Only specimens grown from seeds, have a thickening at the root. But from the moment of planting to flowering may take 7-8 years. You do not want to wait? Buy adult plant or seedling. It's worth it: Adenium is able to surprise!

4. Kalanchoe

My orange kalanchoe is just beginning to blossom
My orange kalanchoe is just beginning to blossom

A couple of decades ago, we knew kalanchoe as the ugly, but useful in a house flower. "Family doctor" is often used in folk medicine. And today withdrawn beautiful hybrids with bright blooms: red, pink, orange or white. Inflorescence - tight umbrellas adding to the house of bright colors.

Kalanchoe - succulent, good feeling with the rare watering and without spraying. Save time! But for a lush and colorful flowering fertilize it from spring to autumn, a complex mineral fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

5. Zamioculcas aka "Dollar Tree"

In the adult age Zamioculcas can reach an impressive size!
In the adult age Zamioculcas can reach an impressive size!

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Dark green color of rich, leathery leaves arranged on thick stalks, - the first and most important advantage Zamioculcas. Perfect for any room - and an apartment, and office. According to national signs, more and brings a wealth of owner!

If you transplant Zamioculcas, you will see the tubers. They flower collects moisture, so the cost for a long time without watering. To leaves sparkled and looked arts, regularly wipe the dust from them.

Choose plants for the soul, not the fashion. But also to newcomers Keep an eye on: maybe you have not met the love of his life! If you like a selection, please put "Thumbs up!" thanks. Read more: "On the bottom!" What do I put in the pot, the plants were blooming luxuriantly

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