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When to harvest beets in September and October 2020? I am writing the most favorable days according to the lunar calendar. A lot!

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Enjoy reading about the huge harvests to every reader! Nice to see you again
Enjoy reading about the huge harvests to every reader! Nice to see you again

Fiery fireworks, comrades vegetable growers!

Would you like to harvest a tasty, large and well-kept sweet beet crop in the cellar? Perhaps the recommendations of the lunar calendar can help. The effectiveness of the advice of astrologers has not been scientifically proven, so my humble note is more informational in nature than seeks to become a guide to action.

Let's start with the sad one. The most unfavorable days are New and Full Moons. Astrologers say: on such dates, everything in the world is turned upside down, and you should not plan any serious events.

I think that harvesting beets can be attributed to those. Therefore, the Lunar Calendar prescribes to forget and thinking about harvesting: September 17 (New Moon), October 2 (Full Moon) and October 16 (another New moon).

Garden astrologers also call the days of the growing moon unfavorable. At this time, the plant sap passes into the leaves, and the roots, left without it, supposedly remain savory, tough and of little use.

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But, if the deadline is tight, you can remove it. Anyway, nothing bad will happen with such beets. When digging up beets, the Lunar calendar advises avoiding in order to avoid loss of taste:

  • September 18-30;
  • October 17-30.
Attention! When choosing the time for harvesting beets, focus primarily on the signs of ripeness. Yesterday I wrote a detailed article about them. Go to my channel - you will see immediately.

But days of the waning moon, when the roots are filled with juices and nutrients, as planned by astrologers, are the most favorable. I will write them in a separate line:

  • September 3-16;
  • September 3-15.
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