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Why does Geranium only grow leaves, but does not bloom itself. 3 Major mistakes in care

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Geranium stands on the windowsill, but is in no hurry to please the hostess with lush, bright inflorescences? Don't worry about this. Many indoor flower lovers face this problem.

But fixing it is simple: just change the care. In most cases, geranium refuses to bloom and only grows leaves if one of three major mistakes is made. I am telling you what exactly causes this situation.

Incorrect pot size

The correct pot size is something that novice plant lovers are regularly fired on. For some reason, many people think that it should be large enough.

Especially often this problem arises for those who grow geraniums from seeds. But the large size of the pot will only lead to the rapid growth of greenery, the flowers will not appear.

For flowering, the plant needs a state of light stress, the roots should not be too loose in the pot. When a plant is doing very well in this sense, it tends to grow, and not grow buds.

That is why in such a situation, I recommend reducing the size of the pot by transplanting geraniums, or planting a second one on one bush.

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Insufficient lighting

Geranium is extremely fond of sunlight. If you do not give her such conditions, she will grow new leaves, but never bloom. The shady side is not suitable for this plant.

However, direct sunlight will also harm her. The pot with the plant should stand on the well-lit side - then it will almost immediately please the hostess with new buds, if other mistakes in care are not made.

You can use special artificial lighting for indoor plants.

Incorrect feeding

You need to feed geraniums - one watering will not be enough for it. This should be done around the beginning of March, when the plant begins its growing season. Fertilizers containing elements such as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are applied to the soil.

Please note: there should never be too much nitrogen! An overabundance of nitrogenous fertilizers leads to the fact that geraniums will grow violently greens, while buds will not appear.

The concentration of nitrogen in preparations purchased for fertilization should not exceed 11%.

Having considered these errors from the outside, it is easier to understand what exactly was wrong in the care and fix it in order to get a blooming geranium. I wish good luck to everyone who came across this!

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