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What happened to my body when I ate garlic every day.

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What happened to my body when I ate garlic every day.

One of the most popular plants grown by gardeners is garlic. It has been consumed and used as a remedy for many years.

But what happens to our body if we consume at least one clove of garlic every day for one year?
After consulting with my doctor and discussing some points, I began to eat a clove of garlic a day.

On the recommendation of my doctor, I ate garlic in the evening. There are a number of reasons for this: firstly, you cannot eat garlic on an empty stomach, otherwise you can get stomach problems; secondly, the smell of garlic is unlikely to please your colleagues; and thirdly, few people are attracted by breakfast, which includes garlic.

I decided to do a little experiment and consumed garlic for a whole year. And what have I achieved as a result?

Before, I often suffered from colds. During this year, I have never had a cough or a runny nose.

I'm sure it was garlic that helped me, because I haven't taken any other medications or vitamins.

The doctor explained to me the reason why garlic is so beneficial: the fact is that the sulfur compounds that are present in this product and give it taste and smell, at the same time fight bacteria, not allowing them to harm person.

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In addition to colds, garlic contributed to blood thinning, which was also important for me, since my blood, according to the doctors, was too thick.

The general state of health has improved and, moreover, I managed to get rid of hypertension.

Another thing that made me very happy is the condition of my skin over the past year. Acne and blackheads disappeared from the face, and the skin became softer and more elastic.
I continue to eat garlic every day to consolidate the effect.

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