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5 blunders in caring for geraniums

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Scarlet geraniums in the garden. Photo for the article are taken from the internet
Scarlet geraniums in the garden. Photo for the article are taken from the internet

Geranium - one of the most popular ornamental plants worldwide. It does not require special care, bloom very long and beautiful. But let's look at how to properly care for geraniums house, because visual appeal plants, flowering duration of his largely depends on the grower. What are the basic errors?

1. Lack of light

This is perhaps the main problem. Geranium - a very photophilous plant. It should be kept near the window, where there is a steady stream of sunlight. Only in very sunny, bright days it should clean the shaded areas of the room. geraniums in the summer without any problem can be grown in the open balcony.

On a sunny window geraniums bloom in winter
On a sunny window geraniums bloom in winter

Lack of light affects the color and splendor of colors. They immediately become dull and lose their natural volume. The bright, lit places new stems of geraniums will be strong, healthy and vibrant color. How to cope with the lack of light in winter? It is possible to install special fitolampy. An increase in daylight hours to 13-15 hours required for geraniums.

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2. Wrong size of the pot

white geraniums
white geraniums

Geranium has a complex root system. While the plant is not completely fill the earth com, it will not bloom. You need to choose a pot of only 2-3 cm more than the current root geranium system. Then, with proper care and daily care of a few weeks you will see the first flowers. Geranium can be no more than transplant twice a year, and in summer it is not necessary to remove it from the pot, if you take out it in the garden.

3. excess nitrogen

It is growing, but not in bloom!
It is growing, but not in bloom!

Should not be used in feeding geranium nitrogen fertilizer. They greatly contribute to the development of green leaf mass, for which the colors are lost. It is better to choose mineral care formulated with potassium and other elements. You can buy a complete universal fertilizer, or pick them up especially for geraniums. Feed the flower is recommended 1-2 times a month.

4. Lack rest period

In the spring of geranium come alive in front of ...
In the spring of geranium come alive in front of ...

Usually in the winter, from early December to early February, geranium comes in a period of rest. At this time, all of its vitality weakened processes within proceed very slowly and quietly, she blossoms and saves energy for the new spring-summer season.

It was during this period of flower in need of special care quivering. It is important to regularly watered her small amounts of water and forget about fertilizers. However, crop geraniums in winter at home is not worth it. This can badly affect the future possibilities of flowering. In winter, the best place for geraniums - a sunny window with temperatures around 10-15 °. In such circumstances, the plant will recover and accumulate great strength.

5. Improper trimming

Alai luxury
Alai luxury

Trim the plant is 1-2 times a year, after wintering in the early or mid-spring. Royal geranium should be cut in the autumn. geranium growth rate depends on many factors - the variety, quality of care, the external environment.

However, in most cases, geraniums still continues to grow throughout the year. Therefore, if time does not shorten the shoots, flower can turn into a huge bush without any beautiful, aesthetic forms. Neglect pruning is not necessary, that it affects the rate of formation of new shoots and flowers, as well as a healthy and qualitative growth of geranium.

I wish you a beautiful home colors! Read my personal "secret": Fertilizing geranium gave magnificent and long flowering without chemistry. Recipe

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