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Cherries and plums will be more: favorable fertilizing in the fall

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Cherries and plums are drupes, therefore the recommendation for them are similar. All the illustrations for this article are taken from the Internet.
Cherries and plums are drupes, therefore the recommendation for them are similar. All the illustrations for this article are taken from the Internet.

Here and there was a golden age. Crop is harvested, came the period of pruning and fertilizing fruit trees. Cherry and plum autumn is more suitable dressing that is frost-resistant plants. As soon as the snow melts for them there are the first leaves, and the power to take the tree out of the ground. So if they have been fertilized in the fall, they will have something to eat in the spring.

suitable fertilizers

Ash - my favorite organic fertilizer
Ash - my favorite organic fertilizer

Before the fertilizer should be aware that plums and cherries grow well and produce fruit on alkaline soils, for this reason, make it necessary to lime, ash and manure mulch. After harvesting, the trees required to feed up mineral compositions. The ground in this period is necessary to saturate the calcium, potassium and phosphorus. In winter, digging necessary to make the ashes to a depth of 8 cm.

Important! You must dig no deeper than 20 cm, otherwise you can damage the roots.

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Rules plum dressing

juicy plum
juicy plum
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If, during the landing plum you have laid in the ground all the necessary fertilizers, the first 3 years to feed the tree is not worth it. It will be enough to supply the urea plant in the spring. After 3 years in the autumn plant fed 10 kg of compost and 25 grams of urea. Make fertilizer needed at some distance from the headquarters. Since the tree is still young root collar continues to grow, so it is extremely sensitive. Bury the fertilizer to be polshtyka shovels.

Its useful to note!If a young tree, fertilize away from headquarters, the adult from the barrel and a radius of 1-1.5 meters.

Starting from 6-8 years of age should make 15-20 kg of compost per square meter. Clean, fresh manure at this time it is better not to use. It can burn the roots.

Rules fertilizing cherry

Urozhayne tree!
Urozhayne tree!
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Conduct feeding cherries to be together with the loosening of the soil in the area around-trunk circle. At this time, the tree needs abundant irrigation and preventive treatment stem from pests. If you decide to spend the late fall fertilizing, together with the need to do it, and pruning.

Also in the winter you can mulch the plant. Only a layer of mulch should be not big. If you put too much can start to rot the trunk. To protect the wood from the weeds, a second layer of mulch is placed in early spring.

Dig around a cherry tree with a diameter equal to the crown. This is followed by abundant watering. If the tree is young to 4 years, then take 10 liters of water, and when they are adults - 15.

The easiest option - to buy ready-made complex mineral fertilizer and use it according to the instructions
The easiest option - to buy ready-made complex mineral fertilizer and use it according to the instructions

In autumn feed cherries should:

  • rotted manure;
  • compost;
  • infusion of bird droppings.

complex mineral supplements also work, just-combined for fruit trees.

Note! It is not necessary to make the soil in the fall of nitrogen-containing substances. They provoke the growth of new shoots, which can not grow and get stronger, and die with the onset of cold weather.

Be sure to alternate the organic and mineral fertilizers. Applying manure should be every 3 years, and fertilizer every couple of years. If you choose to fertilize the chicken manure, it must be diluted in water for watering. Put your finger up, if the article was relevant for you. More cherry and plum crop is recommended in the autumn. All details and charts you will find here: How to cut the cherries and plums in the fall for a rich harvest

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