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Castor oil will cause blossom even the most problematic houseplants

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Castor oil is sold in a pharmacy. Photo: Internet
Castor oil is sold in a pharmacy. Photo: Internet

Hello! Certainly, and you have indoor plants that do not want to bloom. How to get them? Today I will discuss the use of castor oil. It is a natural product that acts as an environmentally-safe colors and human stimulator flowering house plants.

Castor oil is made from castor beans. There are a lot of useful substances, which together make the plants produce buds. I used castor oil in practice. And lo and behold! Bloomed my hoyya- "slowpoke", a pair of high-quality Balzaminov and long sitting in the pot around anthurium. Therefore, I am inclined to believe in the effectiveness of this recipe. Therefore, I share them with you.

The use of castor oil for home colors can make life easier for florist
The use of castor oil for home colors can make life easier for florist

I say at once that this is a folk remedy. Its effectiveness is not supported by research botanists. Perhaps you have it will not work. If you are already fed up with castor oil colors - please share your experiences in the comments to this article. It will be interesting for me and other readers)

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How to fertilize the flowers of castor oil on all the rules

The process of using castor oil. Photos from the site
The process of using castor oil. Photos from the site
Soon I will publish more and more about recording another growth stimulator - succinic acid. However, she has a broader impact on the indoor plants: substance helps them not only to bloom, but also to increase the decorative foliage, recover from stress and illness. Subscribe to the channel "Gardening Secrets" not to miss valuable information, backed by personal experience!

First, we need to prepare a working solution:

1. Take a bottle with a lid 1 liter or 2 liters (depending on how many plants you will handle). Why bottle, I explain below - is very important.

2. Pour into water suitable for irrigation (e.g., defended). Temperature - room or slightly above.

3. Add the main ingredient - castor oil. The rate of 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water.

4. Tightly close the lid and carefully tryasom bottle. This is the most difficult stage, because the castor oil is very poorly soluble in water. I just trust procedure husband - he does best!

For this reason, castor oil solution for home colors can only be used immediately after cooking - after only a few minutes drops of castor oil to gather in a great spot, and will not be evenly distributed in the water.

For irrigation use soft water - passed through the filter for removal of impurities or a distance not less than 2 days. Photo-illustration taken from
For irrigation use soft water - passed through the filter for removal of impurities or a distance not less than 2 days. Photo-illustration taken from

the application itself

there is 2 embodiment use all dressings - root (watering) and foliar. Both of them are suitable for feeding castor oil colors. If you decide to use the first method, for 1-2 hours pour flowers with plain water. When I am not using a foliar spray, so as not to clog it drops of castor oil, and not to make the walls of oil, just wipe the leaves with a cotton pad soaked. After that the flower goes into the shade for 8-12 hours.

Important! Fertilize flowers castor oil can be a maximum of 2 times per year, in the period of active growth of indoor plants. Between treatments must be at least 2 months. First, the oil leaves a film on the ground and the leaves of plants, preventing normal air. Secondly, it is quite enough - in my experienceEffect bombichesky!

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