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5 Important rules for preparing a young Apple tree for wintering

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A young fruit crop requires some care, this also applies to preparing the tree for winter, especially apple seedlings. A fragile root system may not survive the frost and die. I always start the procedure before the frost hits.

Cleaning activities

The first and important event in preparing an apple tree for the winter period is harvesting. I remove all the fruits from the tree, clear the area in the near-trunk circle from foliage, branches and other debris.

Then the soil is weeded to remove all weeds. Without fail, I loosen the soil by 3 cm. All this ensures normal air permeability, which means that the roots will not be deficient in oxygen.


Before wintering, I make sure to apply fertilizers. I put the following fertilizers under each tree trunk:

Potassium sulfate - 20 g;

Superphosphate - 10 g.

In some cases I use wood ash, I just make a layer of mulch in the near-stem circle of a young apple tree. This component completely replaces potassium.

Whitewashing the trunk

In my opinion, whitewashing is one of the most important procedures. It protects the bark from cracks due to frost, prevents sunburn. And most importantly, lime is a good prophylactic agent against pests, especially during wintering.

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I whitewash my young seedlings with acrylic paint, as it creates a breathable shell. But you can also use slaked lime - this is a budget, but effective option.

Whitewashing is always done from the bottom up, not forgetting to paint over hard-to-reach places.

Pest control

In the fall, I definitely carry out the processing of the tree from the attack of pests and diseases. My best assistant is 3% Bordeaux liquid. I spray the trunk, shoots.

I also cultivate the soil around the tree, since it is in it that the larvae accumulate, as the arrival of spring they activate and again infect the vegetation. It is better to choose a calm day for the procedure.


I definitely cover young apple trees for the winter, since winters are harsh in my region.

I use different materials for this, here are the most convenient ones:

· I wrap the trunk and branches with a newspaper and fix it with tape;

· I put burlap around the trunk of the tree;

I sprinkle humus with a layer of 2 cm round.

The last option is good because with the onset of spring, the insulation will play the role of fertilizer. Humus will saturate the substrate with elements useful for the apple tree.

These activities are considered mandatory when preparing apple seedlings for a long winter. Do not ignore them, otherwise young trees may not survive this period.

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