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What is necessary to make fertilizer in the fall and how to

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Autumn - a great time to fertilize the garden:

  • After harvesting the earth "rest", so you can make the "total" introduction.
  • At this time, are active microorganisms in the soil that are happy to take contact with organic fertilizers and lay the them on the nutrients in an easy to plant nutrition form.
  • Do not do without attention to perennials, fruit trees and shrubs: under these fertilizers can be applied in liquid form, or carefully buried in the soil.

In this article I will discuss the fertilizer, which is made in the autumn, and how to do it. Following tips will help maximize the impact of the possible: soil fertility increase, and next year the plant in it will give a rich harvest!


The easiest option fertilizing plants - fertilizers. Usually they are sold in the form of granules or concentrate which must be diluted in water. In "mineral water" a huge range.

I use a special liquid fertilizer for top dressing for certain types of perennials. For example, "for fruit", "for conifers" and t. D.

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Example. Photo from the Internet
Example. Photo from the Internet

The main rule is that for the autumn fertilizing perennials are not suitable fertilizer, which a lot of nitrogen. The element stimulates the growth of shoots and the plant will not be able to go into hibernation. Let the formula will be shifted in favor of potassium and phosphorus.

After harvesting the empty land fertilize with superphosphate. Consumption rate - about 50 grams per 1 square meter. In the spring of land will be ready for planting! I especially recommend to do it on depleted soil where vegetables grow for many years without a regular fertilization.


Organic fertilizers are environmentally friendly. Nutrients that appear in the soil after application, are in a form suitable for the absorption of the plant root system. These are the two main advantages. But, to be honest, with certain types of organic matter have pretty tricky!

Here are 5 of the most popular options for making organic fertilizer in the fall:

1. Compost. This "bomb" for plant nutrition, which gives the soil a long fertility. The compost is made approximately 2-3 kilograms per square meter 1 "under the shovel." Or tree trunks of trees and shrubs with conductor.

2. Sawdust. Themselves sawdust a la naturel - no fertilizer. But they are significantly loosen the soil. This is beneficial in any plants, because the air is better penetrate to the roots and the moisture does not stagnate. In addition, long shavings decompose in the soil, so eventually become "long-playing" organic fertilizer.

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3. Ash. And not only wood, but of weeds and foliage. This is very useful in the autumn - for example, you can burn the potato or tomato tops remaining after the harvest! Virtually waste-free production :) Ash - a valuable and affordable fertilizer, which contains chemical elements that are vital to plants: potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

The ash is made by digging in the autumn. The "official" rate - up to 1 kg per 1 square meter. But personally, I just scatter it evenly on the ground "in the eye" and dig a garden shovel. Another way to use the ash fall - to scatter it to the tree trunks of trees and shrubs. With rain and spring melt water from the mineral elements penetrate directly to the root system.

4. Fresh manure. It can be used on an "empty" land, because manure burns the roots of annual plants. But next year will increase fertility in a few times! Trees and bushes can zamulchirovat fresh manure. Layer - 4 cm.

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