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Phrases from men that completely devalue a woman. Only those who do not respect themselves tolerate this.

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Relationships are not always built on mutual love, mutual respect, mutual support and trust. It often happens that one of the partners is a tyrant (abuser), and the other is a victim. The first are most often men, since they have some physical and sometimes other superiorities over a woman.

The abuser doesn't need love. He experiences pleasure when he makes a loved one bad, devalues ​​him, humiliates him. He, like an energy vampire, "feeds" on the suffering of the one over whom he is morally bullied.

There are different forms of abuse, and one of them is devaluation.

Such a tactic is needed by a tyrant in order to completely destroy a woman's self-esteem and subjugate her, make her dependent.

Usually, such phrases addressed to themselves are tolerated by women who treat themselves badly and do not respect themselves at all.

Here are the phrases a man uses to devalue a woman:

"Well, who needs you besides me." A favorite phrase of moral abusers, with which they instill in their chosen one the fear that if she leaves, she will forever be alone.

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“It’s thanks to me, you see how great I am.” Whatever the woman does, the man tries to ascribe all her merits to himself and to convince her that without him she would not have achieved this.

"This is nonsense, don't worry, don't pay attention." If a woman shares with her chosen one what worries her, what worries her, and every time she receives such phrases in response, it means that the partner simply does not care about her feelings. He believes that all her emotional experiences are not worth attention and do not matter.

"Don't bother, it's none of your business, don't ask unnecessary questions." With such a phrase, a man creates a psychological barrier and an atmosphere of alienation. A woman feels detached, devalued, unworthy of being aware of what is happening.

"Why do you need a new fur coat, the old one has not yet been worn out." Of course, this is an exaggerated phrase, but the point is that if a man does not consider the material needs of a woman, with her desires, he does not give her a dime.

"You shouldn't, you are unlikely to succeed, you cannot." Abusers say this when their passion wants to change something in life, for example, change their job for a better one, go to college, try themselves in business or go to fitness.

"Don't do nonsense, you better do something useful." This can be heard from a tyrant by a woman who devotes time to her hobbies or some hobbies that bring her pleasure.

"Not now, we'll discuss it later." It's okay if a man says this phrase when he is really busy and later agrees to a conversation. But such a “later, later, not now” can last for years and a woman will not be able to satisfy her psycho-emotional request, since he simply does not want to discuss anything.

"You want too much". Such words can be heard if you share your dreams and desires with the abuser. He will bring down their price in every possible way.

You should not allow yourself to be devalued in this way, because it is fraught with serious consequences, up to mental disorders (depression, neurosis). If you hear such phrases too often, this is a reason to reconsider the relationship and work on self-esteem.

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