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Top 5 Most Beautiful Indoor Plants That Can't Be Destroyed

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There is an opinion that the most beautiful indoor plants require complex care and special conditions for growing. This is not true. I have collected at home a collection of very beautiful plants that are content with minimal maintenance.

1. Clivia cinnabar

A South African flower with a rosette of long, belt-like leaves. On a long tubular peduncle, 10-20 orange, yellow or scarlet buds open at once. Due to the fact that the flowers open gradually and remain fresh for a long time, clivia retains its decorative effect for several weeks. The plant is capable of blooming 2 times a year, in spring and autumn.

I keep the flower at room temperature, on the east window. I water it moderately, during the flowering period I feed it twice a month with Bona's liquid fertilizer.

2. Pelargonium (geranium)

I love this unpretentious flower for a variety of colors and ease of reproduction. Branched bushes of geraniums emit peduncles with bright umbellate inflorescences almost all year round.

In the summer, I transplant perennials in the front garden, where they thrive. I propagate a flower by simply breaking off my stepsons and rooting them in water.

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There is only one way to kill geraniums - by flooding it. I water geraniums in the off-season no more than once a week.

3. Chinese rose (hibiscus)

Quite a large shrub with beautiful emerald leaves, forms very large bright flowers. Depending on the variety, they can be simple and terry, white, red, yellow, crimson.

Hibiscus thrives at normal room temperature and light. I add top dressing once a month, all year round. The flower is hygrophilous. I solve this problem with the help of an autowatering, which I bought from a garden store.

4. Balsam (Vanka wet)

A squat bush with large leaves is regularly and abundantly covered with small flowers - "roses". They can be white, scarlet, orange, pink and even two-colored.

I put Roly on the kitchen windowsill facing east. I stuck a bottle of automatic watering into the soil and enjoy the abundant flowering.

5. Decembrist

A succulent plant that blooms profusely in winter with unusual shoots, similar to the legs of a crab. It blooms profusely, with bright pink, orange, red, crimson double flowers.

Loves warmth, not bright light and regular watering in the fall when preparing for flowering. I rarely water it in spring and summer.

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