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If there is an allergic person in the house, then home flowers should be chosen very carefully.

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I really love houseplants. I like to take care of them, to enjoy new tender leaves. I love the smell of damp earth in the room after watering and spraying. And, of course, plants clean the air very well, humidify it.

If there is an allergic person in the house, then home flowers should be chosen very carefully.

But there have never been flowering plants in our house. The fact is that the son was allergic to pollen early. And, although the pollen of only cereals caused his skin rashes, we, of course, were afraid of the period of flowering of plants all season. And doctors did not recommend keeping flowering plants in the apartment. Therefore, we do not have them.

If there is an allergic person in the house, then home flowers should be chosen very carefully.

In the apartment, first of all, we grow medicinal plants - Kalanchoe and aloe. And also deciduous large-sized ones.

Aloe, or agave, as our grandmothers always called it, we use to treat a cold, cough, and for rejuvenating skin masks.

And also I always save it for spring to make a solution for soaking seeds, because aloe is a natural catalyst for plant growth. And then once again I water the seedlings with a solution of aloe before diving. It takes root better that way.

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Kalanchoe is generally my favorite medicinal plant. I use it for stomach pains, sore throats. When my son once had boils, I applied a Kalanchoe leaf and he simply pulled out all the pus, leaving a hole at the site of the abscess, which soon healed.

Of course, you can use any medicinal plants only on the recommendation of a doctor, but I'm just talking about my experience with their use.

In addition to medicinal plants, I have two types of ficus - plants from my childhood. They are very different from each other, but close relatives. The first is Benjamin's ficus. It has small, tough leaves that require constant moisture and spraying. In a dry room, they constantly crumble.

Therefore, in winter, when it is hot at home and there is no one to take care of him, he is constantly falling out of my leaves. But if I am at home, I will always please him with a small spray shower. A week of such a "wet life" - and young leaves appear!

And this ficus also requires a large pot, it has such a powerful root system that once he tore a plastic pot with its roots!

The second ficus is rubbery. He has probably been in every home since ancient times. It is believed that such a ficus is the keeper of the family hearth. Therefore, it must be protected and rejuvenated - when it becomes too large, start growing a new plant from the tip of one shoot. Ficus grows easily, you just need to hold it in water so that the roots appear.

As you can see, each of my plants has its own purpose and, besides this, undoubtedly decorates the room. Even an old agave, and he is beautiful in its own way.

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