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Unsuccessful alpine gardens in the gardens. Debriefing

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Good time of day, channel readers! Alpine coaster - one of the most popular "theme" of the compositions in landscape design, mastered by amateurs. Undoubtedly, garden art gives flight of fancy. But alpine slide is subject to certain laws: the main task - to create the image of a mini-roller coaster of the Alps in their area or country. But, unfortunately, some hapless growers ignore the canons and create chaos out of the ruins and the plant instead of a harmonious composition. Let's look at these creatures and we shall understand in the errors!

paradise devil

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The first mistake - the location of the stones. I think that according to the author, they must delineate the border "alpine slide". And we remember that the compositions of philosophy - to create a wild mountain in miniature. As far as my knowledge of geology, such roller coasters on the planet does not exist. A flower bed is more like a circle of ancient pagan priests. Why then the stump (though very colorful) and 2 log stump - for me remains a mystery. Apparently, they have to create a flavor of nature, but much more appropriate would look next to the pine or a bed in a rustic style. The choice of plants and their planting is also unclear. What stuck - and it is growing. Although, in this circle of stones and "alpine" plants would not help.

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Monument hapless florist

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And strange shapes again. But, I admit, it is better than the last version. Unnatural - the main problem of this "alpine slide". That's what spoils the foundation stone:

  • concrete stones are connected, rather than piled chaotically (At first glance - in fact "negligence" of stones in the competent rock gardens should be carefully considered);
  • stairs. What for?)
  • incomprehensible plate on top is more like a memorial monument in the eclectic style.

Look closely at the flowers growing on the "hill". If Astilbe still all there was, the annual marigolds on the alpine hill unacceptable. Nothing personal!

It would seem, and here herons

Herons (for a moment, waders) suddenly They moved to the Alps. "All the best at once!" - probably the motto of the author of this composition. But, unfortunately, he is not thinking about harmony. By choosing plants no complaints. But to their placement - the big question. Why fill the void rubble? It looks as if the creator of the alpine slide was too lazy to make an interesting composition. so most likely it was. It would be better to make the hill a smaller area, but put together and conifers, and sredneroslye plants and mosses.

The apogee of bad taste and laziness

When the hill is very desirable, but have no particular desire to deal with it - and sprinkle mulch insert the pair of conifers and something else. For example, one bush petunia. ✔ Put a "Thumbs Up" if you like the publication. Read more: How to cut the flowers at pions. Do not damage the plant

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