"The glove compartment-armrest prevented the handbrake from being lifted" - I freaked out and, during the alteration, sheathed it with jeans, I also made a case for glasses
Faced such a problem, did not hold the parking brake, the handbrake worked up to two clicks and rested against the installed armrest. It is necessary to redo, removed, the third click and the car stands rooted to the spot.
Bad habit
Do you have thisthat you started to do one thing, but saw an opportunity for improvement, and did not stop until they redid it? Not? You are lucky, and sometimes I just catch on, I can't stop.
The glove compartment was covered with foam rubber that turned yellow with time, I decided to dress it up with old pants, I liked it, and away we go. Why not from him and Can't sew a case for glasses?
I remember as a child, my mother often repaired things, looked amazed at the dexterity and variety of seams, because there were no gadgets with cartoons and games yet.
In our time, it was believed that every man should have been able to sew on a button, iron trousers and a pioneer tie, yes.
In general, the matter is unpretentious, I sewed the cover, wrapped and sewed on its edge, fixed the thread with a knot, and then another thought arose, but not whether to make a still hard pencil case under it? Well, no, another time, this is too much for today.
Installed an armrest so as not to interfere with the "handbrake", now pleasing to the eye. Did you like it?