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Two in one: how to make a trimmer from a grinder

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What is not done from a grinder: a circular, and a device for sharpening drills, and a cutting machine. But the list of useful devices does not end there - the grinder also makes an excellent lawn mower! How to do it - read on. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel - we only have useful and interesting content!

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What is needed for this

To turn the angle grinder into a trimmer you will need:

  • safety wheels for children's bicycles;
  • metal strip;
  • fasteners (two bolts to fit the size of the angle grinder handle);
  • profiled or regular tube for the handle (1.5 meters);
  • plastic clamp;
  • lawn mowing line or aluminum wire.

From tools and equipment come in handy: welding, grinder, drill, hammer, vice, wrenches in stock.

What should be done

Cut a piece of the strip and bend it in the form of the letter P. The size of the U-shaped element depends on the size of the grinder. The main condition is for this part to grip the tool body. The sides of the bracket should adjoin the angle grinder gearbox practically without any gap.

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Drill holes in the u-shaped element so that they match exactly with the holes for attaching the grinder handle.

Weld a shank from a metal strip to the u-shaped element, which will act as a body lock. And also to the u-shaped part, it is necessary to weld the handle (pipe) at an inclination of approximately 50-55 degrees.

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Next, it remains to assemble. To do this, the U-shaped element is installed on the grinder's body, and wheels are mounted on top of it with bolts. The back of the tool body is attached to the shank with a plastic clamp.

At the final stage, a fishing line or aluminum wire is threaded through the holes of the disc fastening nut. The stretched line / wire must not touch the wheels. The nut with the line / wire is attracted to the shaft and the trimmer from the grinder is ready!

Homemade trimmer from angle grinder does an excellent job of mowing grass. It is easier for them to work, since the tool can be moved on wheels, and not on weight.

What did you do with angle grinders? Write in the comments, send photos!

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