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How to memorize up to 100 words at a time and name them in any order. Little-known memory algorithm

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Probably, many have heard of people who are able to memorize a large number of words, are able to multiply multi-digit numbers. An ordinary person perceives such people as those who have extraordinary mental abilities, geniuses. In this article I will tell you about one secret of such "geniuses". These are ordinary people, but they know a certain secret, a method of memorizing information, in particular a set of words.

There is a book by Yakov Perelman "Tricks and Entertainment", published in 1935, where the author gave a story from his life about a meeting with such a "genius-child", the nephew of a magician. The boy told him this secret of memorizing 100 or more words.

According to the plot of the story, the author, as a child, got on a performance, where the boy memorized and unmistakably called any of the 100 words recorded by the audience in the hall. And by chance, I met this young genius, who told about this secret. Here are a few pages from this book describing the memorization method.

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In short, the secret is a technique, an algorithm for memorizing words in a form convenient for the brain. This is not an innate ability of the boy.

Each consonant letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number in the table. The boy memorized this table on the basis of children's analogies. As you can see, in the table, all are consonants. And according to it, a digital code of each word is compiled by type: PZHLST (please - 51672) or SPSB (thanks - 7575).

The letters corresponding to one digit are selected by sound or by another meaning.

Further, the authors of the method invented a set of counting words with one consonant: hedgehog, poison, cabbage soup, neck etc. They are programmed to count from 1 to 10. A set of counting words with two consonants is also made to memorize numbers from 10 onwards.

During the performance, while pronouncing the words the spectators had conceived, the boy matched each word with a code word. If the first word was snow, the hedgehog was hyphenated. Second, the bucket is poison. Laughter is an eye. And immediately, in his mind, based on these comparisons, the boy memorized a set of phrases he had composed:

But here you need to have imagination and a good memory to remember the ridiculous phrases you have invented. But for children, with their not yet blinkered abilities to memorize poetry, this is easy. Almost everyone can memorize up to 10 words using this technique, with a little practice.

Moreover, having memorized the phrases, you can call any written word in any order. This is exactly what the boy did on stage, striking the audience with his abilities.

So, summarizing the technique or this algorithm: you need to remember the table with the comparison to a digit from 0 to 10 of two consonant letters. According to this table, 10, 20 or more countable table words are memorized. And in the process of memorization (presentation), the named word is compared to them in the form of a memorable phrase. It turns out a certain array of data in the form of phrases, which the brain remembers well as a verse. Those. a set of words is processed into a form that is convenient for memorization according to a certain algorithm.

Perhaps this story is a literary exposition of the mathematical secret of memorization. But in any case, anyone can practice memorizing up to 10 words and call them in any order. If you do not understand the technique, read it again. He himself did not immediately understand it, but only from the second reading.

This is not the whole secret of this book. By the way, you can download it here:

In the next article I will tell you about the technique of guessing objects with closed eyes. A trick that can be attributed to psychic abilities. Although, he is from the same topic of memorizing tabular words.


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