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Once again, superglue with baking soda helped. Reinforced plastic phone holder clamps

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I have been using the method of gluing different parts with superglue and baking soda for more than 10 years. But I was surprised that in the article Glued the breakage with baking soda super glue. I explain the secret of the gluing speed and strength of this adhesive mixturenot all readers knew about this trick.

With the help of baking soda, you can strengthen the seam, quickly build up the junction of parts or their parts. Soda acts both as an accelerator for the setting of superglue and as a filler in the glue mass. The composition polymerizes almost instantly. I show the repair of the next breakdown by this method.

After the onset of heat, the plastic "crocodile" clip in the phone holder in the car was deformed. He stopped holding on to the blower curtains. Probably, this is the reason why the readers spoke in the comments in the article about this holder: This is the best car phone holder in my opinion

New phone holder. © Author's photos
New phone holder. © Author's photos
New phone holder. © Author's photos

The Chinese have poor resistance to resistance, they did not guess to strengthen the L-shaped clamping part. On the contrary, they weakened this place and the clamp ceases to squeeze tightly after a while.

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© Author's photos
© Author's photos

Disassembled, returned the geometry of the L-shaped parts to their original state. Next, I applied superglue to the bend of the part and sprinkled with soda. Moistened with superglue again and sprinkled again. So you build up the part with new material for reinforcement.

© Author's photos

Collected back. The white glue material will not be visible as the clamp is turned towards the blower. If desired, the glue can be colored with a black marker.

This method is not suitable for all types of plastics. There are materials with poor adhesion. They are kind of "greasy" and the glue does not stick to them even if the surface is sanded.

There were videos where shoes were repaired in this way - they instantly glued the cracks in the sole. Only instead of soda, cement was used (with it, superglue also instantly glues together). To do this, one side of the crack was sprinkled with cement, and superglue was applied to the other, and then the sides were quickly pressed together. But since baking soda is in every kitchen, the method is more versatile with it.


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