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Colorful houses of the Russian Arctic: why high-rise buildings in the Far North are painted in different colors

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If you've never been to the North of Russia, perhaps imagine cities as dull colorless boulders in the middle of a harsh landscape. But in fact, the architecture of northern megalopolises and even small villages is truly unique. It is difficult to imagine, but from the abundance of bright colors it simply dazzles in the eyes.

If you happen to fly a helicopter over, say, Anadyr, you will surely be impressed.

The origins of the rainbow tradition

It is believed that the decision to paint residential buildings and office buildings was made by the USSR authorities for motivational reasons. Imagine the same type of dull buildings against the backdrop of harsh nature, add to this a very long polar night and extremely low temperatures - ideal conditions for melancholy, isn't it? So those in power decided to brighten up the life of the conquerors of the North - both literally and figuratively.

However, the northerners themselves say that those who are alien to the thirst for adventure and the spirit of adventurism do not take root in this harsh land. The North is for those who are able to transform the world around them, to make life better and brighter. That is why the conquerors of the North have long painted the walls of their homes, and after that the tradition has spread to high-rise buildings.

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Be that as it may, today the northern cities look more than bright. Take a look at one of the streets of Vorkuta! It is in vain that this city is considered dismal.

Even small settlements have not been spared this tradition. Little Dudinka (the unofficial capital of Taimyr) also looks very colorful.


Another amazing feature of the cities of the North is murals. These are huge paintings that adorn entire facades of buildings.

The plots are traditionally northern: polar bears, small peoples, art and craft of northerners, mining and exploration of new lands, beautiful, original nature.

It would be great if this amazing tradition spread to other regions. After all, we all sometimes really lack bright colors.

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