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Favorite summer salad of tomatoes and cucumbers: whether it is useful?

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Fresh vegetables are not always considered to be subject to processing useful. Among such useful vegetables is the tomato.

In tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins and antioxidants. Exist without these valuable components, is almost impossible. Antioxidants are what makes us young and beautiful. I ate tomatoes in one day and daily beauty care received.

Tomatoes are useful for nail beauty, hair and skin firming effect on bone. This is especially important in the elderly. Magnesium contained in tomatoes, normalizes blood pressure well.

Red tomatoes contain all the necessary vitamins to support the blood and blood vessels. By the way, scientists long ago proved that red tomatoes, is much better than yellow.

Smoking, must be the tomatoes in the diet. Due to the components contained in the tomato, split nicotine toxins. Also, these substances help remove nicotine from the lungs.

With constant use of tomatoes in times reduced risk of prostate cancer in men.

Well, people who love to diet, of course, know. That the low-calorie vegetables tomato. Besides helping to expel from the body's waste products, which are digested too long.

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There are, of course, tomatoes and pitfalls. They can trigger the growth of stones in kidney diseases. People with this disease, it is better to bypass these vegetables round. Canned tomato can bring to ulcers or heart diseases. People with allergies can also get an unexpected blow from red tomatoes. Everything is good in moderation. Tomatoes from one day no one has died.

A salad of tomato, the best thing to do with oil, not with sour cream or mayonnaise. Vegetable oil is a kind of conductor between the useful components of a tomato and the human body. These salads have long considered to be useful for the prevention of cancer.

One interesting fact. Tomatoes can not be combined with fish, meat and eggs. They are not compatible. But even more interesting fact that incompatible tomatoes and cucumbers. Everyone's favorite summer salad that is, almost every home is not only useful, but also can be harmful. Cucumbers and tomatoes, cancel each other. So vitamins the body does not receive neither green nor red. Moreover, together they create in the body effect of fermentation, which not only causes discomfort to man, but it can cause diarrhea.

Share in the comments whether you have a problem, after the use of this salad.

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