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Powerful gravitational burst explained by the merger of likely bosonic stars

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The cosmos is full of mysteries and secrets, and from time to time there are events that scientists are struggling to squeeze into modern theory. So in 2019, the gravitational wave that swept through outer space called GW 190521 until that time was explained only by the merger of two black holes.

But according to the new theory, the cause of this gravitational anomaly could be the merger of two so-called bosonic celestial bodies, which consist of hypothetical particles.

Gravitational wave, how could it be caused

So the joint work of the LIGO observatory and Virgo (LVC) made it possible in the spring of 2019 to register the anomalous burst GW 190521. According to their analysis, scientists have suggested that this disturbance was caused by the merger of celestial bodies such as black holes.

Moreover, one of them had a mass of 85, and the second 66 masses of the Sun. As a result of such a merger, a new black hole of 142 solar masses appeared.

And such a black hole was recorded in the so-called intermediate class between “stellar and supermassive black holes.

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It is curious that one of the participants in such a collision belongs to the so-called "forbidden" mass range. And according to the theory, it cannot exist. Since it is assumed that the collapse of a massive star cannot lead to the creation of a black hole much heavier than 65 and, accordingly, lighter than 120 times the mass of the Sun.

But relatively recently, a group of astrophysicists from Europe and Australia put forward a new, even more unusual assumption, what caused the gravitational wave GW 190521.

So, according to the material that scientists published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the cause of the wave was the merger of two exotic bosonic stars.

Of course, these objects are still purely hypothetical and, according to theorists, they differ from ordinary stars in that they consist of not yet discovered particles - light bosons.

As one of the authors of the theoretical study, Nicholas Sanchis-Gual, explained, hypothetical bosonic stars differ little in size from black holes and they do not have an event horizon.

And in the process of merging such stars, a new bosonic star is formed, which may well be extremely unstable and collapses into an ordinary black hole, but this creates a signal that was previously recorded by scientists.

So, according to the statements of scientists, the new theory describes the event that happened much better than the traditional theory of the merger of a pair of black holes. Since it (theory) does not provide for the presence of a "forbidden" black hole.

By Ingrid Bourgault - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, curid = 93767119
By Ingrid Bourgault - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, curid = 93767119

In addition, the merger of hypothetical bosonic stars is far from such a powerful event, which means that it could happen much closer to the Earth. And so, according to the corrected calculations, as a result of the merger-collapse, a black hole of 250 Suns, which is significantly heavier than the previous calculated masses, but still in the range of intermediate classification.

Scientists also emphasize that hypothetical stable bosons are one of the candidates for the role of dark matter, before still not discovered substance, the gravitational effect of which affects the evolutionary development galaxies.

If further research confirms that the gravitational wave GW 190521 was the result of a collision of hypothetical bosonic stars, this will be an important event in modern physics.

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