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4 hard rules for preparing a garden for winter Garlic. Used to miss

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Do you want to grow exemplary winter garlic? Then a fiery salute, stubborn fellow gardener! Today on the agenda are 4 rules that I follow during the preparation of the garden.

Before, I, like most of our citizens, neglected them. "Perhaps it will run out anyway - the last time there was a harvest, and not a bad one!" But, seeing that 4 simple actions give more and better garlic, he regretted his former carelessness. Still: after all it is the garden bed that will become home for the cold winter, and feed the cloves next season.

Rule # 1: Prepare the garden ahead of time, comrade!

There is no room for laziness in the garden!
There is no room for laziness in the garden!
There is no room for laziness in the garden!

I don't know when you plant the garlic. I plant in October and by mid-September my garden is completely ready. At least 2 weeks before planting, she must wait for the teeth in a full set.

I was the first to learn this rule. I remember how recklessly I prepared the garden only on the day of planting. It rained, and the garlic found itself in the torn earth that slid down the path. And a week later, the cloves were mired in a shapeless mess.

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You will make a bed in 2 weeks - it will get thoroughly wet and settle in the rain. By the time of planting, you will be able to correct it as you like garlic.

Rule # 2: Don't overlook soil imperfections

Garlic generally favors wood ash
Garlic generally favors wood ash

Someone can boast of the perfect soil? Me not. My soil is infinitely acidic and poor. Therefore, every year I introduce compost, which increases fertility, and wood ash - an excellent deoxidizer, which also works as a top dressing.

Comrade! If the soil in your garden is clay, then for garlic these are the most unfavorable conditions. Dilute with peat, sand, humus. Just don't dip the cloves into the clay substance!

Rule # 3: Add mineral fertilizer

Both the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the garlic harvest in the future directly depend on the composition of the soil.
Both the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the garlic harvest in the future directly depend on the composition of the soil.

No matter how summer residents spit in the direction of "chemistry", mineral fertilizers have no analogues in terms of efficiency. Without a sufficient potassium content in the soil, you should not demand large heads from garlic. I do use a complex fertilizer, where there is plenty of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This will give the garlic a nutritious diet.

My formula: for 1 square of a garden I take 2-3 buckets of compost and effectively fill with 2 more tablespoons of penny "Nitroammofoski". I scatter it over the dug-up soil, dig it up again and move on to the next crucial stage.

Rule # 4: Make a bed of sufficient height

Over the winter, spring and the first half of summer, the garden still settles
Over the winter, spring and the first half of summer, the garden still settles

I don't understand why summer residents are building low beds. The optimal height for garlic is 20 cm. If you do less, then in the spring the garden runs the risk of being level with the ground after the snow melts.

Do not forget that garlic, in principle, does not tolerate lowlands. And he likes to sit at a height where water will definitely not accumulate. And the pillow of loose, fertilized soil under your feet will have the roots to taste.

Getting ready to plant winter garlic and was this article helpful? Click, comrade, "Thumbs up"! Sincerely yours, garlic gardener Fyodor Tyapkin-Sklyankin.

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